Moon x winter

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This is 5 years later when the jade winglet is older

Moon was walking around the halls of JMA and overheard winter talking to himself in an empty little space of a cave.
"How will I tell her about my love for her?" Moon heard him murmuring.
Who is he talking about? She wondered as she leaned in closer to listen to the whispering prince.
"Moon, how I wish I could just be so confident to tell you that I love you!"
He's talking about ME! She yelled in her head.
Just then, Moon walked up to Winter and said,"Winter, I heard everything," Winter looked at her in shock.
"Y-you did?" He stammered as Moon came a little closer.
"Yes," she replied,"and I love you too!" She ran towards Winter and gave him a huge kiss leaving him shocked.
"M-moon," He stammered.
"Yes?" Moon said taking a step back.
"Will you be my mate?" Winter questioned and Moon leaped into his arms and yelled,

Two months later...

Winter and Moon we're still together and happy, when all of a sudden when Winter noticed it was mating season he bounded over to moon and found her lying on her leaf bed reading a scroll.
They were alone in the small room, and Winter closed the door behind him leading to Moon seeing him.
"Hey there," she said with a grin,"What are you up t-" she was cut off by Winter come by towards her and giving her a big tongue filled kiss on her lips. Moon was shocked but then pulled Winter closer and joined in.
They then broke apart for breath.
"What was that all about?" Moon asked seductively.
"Well," Winter started,"How do you feel about having dragonets?"
Moon loved Winter, and would love him more if they had their own children.
"Yes! I would love them!" She exclaimed,"When should we get started?"she said as she stepped closer to Winter's cold sleek scales.
"How about right now?" Winter wrapped his arms around Moon's black scales.
"Of course," Moon Said.
Then winter flipped her over onto the leaf woven bed below and started kissing her all over and Moon started to stifle a moan. He got on top of her and started to show his cock as he licked her slit smoothly.
"Oooooh," Moon moaned with pleasure.
Winter then stuck his penis into her slit and took it out faster and faster.
"D-don't-ah- stop-ah!" Moon gasped with a small moan of pain and pleasure.
Winter shoved harder and Moon started to cum.
"My turn!" She said and took his member into her mouth and twirled it around as Winter let out a small moan of great pleasure and started to cum as well and Moon lapped it up.
Winter got on top of her again and shoved his member into her slit once again, but deeper and Moon moaned loudly with pleasure. He then shot many of his seed into her whom impregnating her.
"It has been done," Winter whispered to her.
"Mmmm," Moon moaned.
"I should have asked before," Winter started,"But, how many dragonets did you want?"
Moon looked up at him as he took his member out of her tight walls.
"One would be fine," she said.
"Ooops!" Winter exclaimed,"I guess we'll have lots of offspring!"
"WINTER!!!" Moon yelled in anger but Winter started to shove his member back into her, which calmed her down.
And they both fell asleep there, with Winter still inside her.

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