The Summer.

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"I believe that you could do it." Danni joked, as he mocked my mother.

"Shut up, she is just very- whats the word....."

"Strict, Grammarly?"

"What does Grammerly mean?"

"I don't know....."

I pushed my butterscotch hair out of my face, and looked over my shoulder.

"Here She comes.." I whispered at Danni. It was Joan. God! I couldn't stand her. I would be enemies with her, if it wasn't for her being my brothers girlfriend. I loved my brother. Why get on his bad side by hating his girlfriend? Better hate her in private.... Or atleast with Danni.

 "Hi guys!" She sang. She flipped her bleach blond hair, with blue hair die at the ends.

"Hey Joan." I said flatly. No sing-song stuff. Leave me alone.

 "Whatcha doing?" She batted her eyelashes, with blue eyeshadow on her eyelids. I had to admit, she was pretty. Thats the only thing about her I like....

"Just talking.." Danni smiled at her. I knew that smile. The "Just-walk-away" smile.

"Oh, cool." She said. She stooped down to me and pushed my hair out of my face.

"I love your hair color!" She chirped. "It's so... cute!"

"Thank you Joan. It's dyed though." I said.

"Oh really? Whats your natural color?"

"I was joking. This is my natural color." I laughed.

"Jokester!" She smiled. Yeah. Thats her. 20 years old, and talking like she was 80 ALL the time.

Really! Yesterday, she asked me if I wanted to go to the library to "Catch up on some books, hon?"

And if I wanted to "listen to some tunes." Who the hell says that?! 80 year olds, thats who! 

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