7. Later or Never?

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Jeonghan woke up to tons of notifications noise coming from his phone. He wonders what was happening. All he ever thought were Jun spamming him of the details of his text and Seungcheol.

Which obviously were wrong, it were Seungcheol spamming him.

Jeonghan were in the kitchen when he reads Seungcheol's messages. He cant help but to smile.

"Woah, did i smell love in the air?" Joshua went to kitchen to have some drink.


"It has been long since i caught u smiling by urself han." Joshua pats Jeonghan shoulder.

"Seungcheol? U mean seungcheol? Oh no no, its just-"

"Just love." Joshua teases him again.

"Yaahhh Hong Jisoo!! no."

"U didn't need to defend urself so bad if it wasnt true, han."

Jeonghan knows he will never win the conversation so he rolled his eyes.

"The more u mad, the more its telling me u are in love." Joshua added.

"Im going to shower, i had enough with u."

Joshua drop Jeonghan at his faculty, the entire drive was Joshua teasing Jeonghan. He was happy Jeonghan is finally texting someone, tho it was just a simple text but at least Jeonghan is opening his circle of friends.

"I'll meet u on lunch time. See u." Joshua said as he drive away.

Jeonghan waves at him and walk to his department. Jun were already inside the class. As Jeonghan enters, he waved for Jeonghan. Jeonghan went where Jun were seated when he saw him.


"Jun, im not up to any teasing of me and Seungcheol. Joshua did it all the way to uni." Jeonghan sighed.

"Its something serious."


"U look in love." Jun chuckled.

Jeonghan look at Jun as it looks like he was about to eat him alive.

"Okay, im kidding. Sorry." Jun apologizes.

"So what did u guys talk about?" He added.

"Ahh, about that-" Jeonghan scratch his nape as he forgot to reply to Seungcheol text message.

"I havent reply him this morning." Jeonghan stated.

Jun were giving him a stare, "and? reply him now?"

"Well, okay."


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