The Idiot

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POV: Denki Kaminari

"Denki Kaminari." I step forward at the sound of my name.

"Room 16A please." I gather my stuff, nod, and make my way to my new dorm room. College is going to be a new adventure. Luckily for me, many of my former UA classmates were also going to attend this one, so I'd have some familiar faces around. I count the numbers on the doors and finally stop at the one marked 16A. I open the door and step in. I look around the very bare room, there are a couple of beds each with a nightstand, but that's pretty much all. I know I'm going to have a roommate, but I'm not sure who it'll be yet.

"Might as well start unpacking." I say to myself as I make my way towards one of the beds. I, of course, begin to unpack my bags, but become distracted halfway through. I'm still looking at my phone when the door creaks open. I jump a little, startled, and look up at the sound. Standing in the doorway is none other than Hitoshi Shinsou, a student I'd met at UA. He'd been class 3A and I may or may not have been slightly obsessed with him back then.

"I-Shinsou!" Wait, that sounded stupid. I mentally cringe and try again.

"Uh, I mean hi, what's up." Yes, 10/10 recovery.

"Hi," he responds, "you're the lightning one, right? Uhhh Kaminari?" I blush and nearly drop my phone. 'He remembers my name!?'

"Yeah, Denki Kaminari!" I awkwardly turn away and busy myself with the rest of my unpacking in attempts to hide my red face. Shinsou seems to take no notice as he begins unpacking his own things. I sigh in relief

'I forgot how intimidating he is...he's almost as intimidating as he is attractive.' I shake my head 'Don't be stupid, Denki! Focus on unpacking!' My attention returns to my task and soon enough I've made myself at home. Unfortunately this lends itself to to my boredom and, having nothing else to do, I find myself staring at Shinsou. 'Don't be a creep!' I tell myself, but my gaze doesn't shift in the least. I continue to watch him as he unpacks his things, but look down at my phone quickly the moment he finishes. He turns, facing in my direction and I go red again. 'Oh no. I must be obvious!' I hear him chuckle quietly as he sits down on his bed. I try not to be too awkward as I make my way to the restroom, and once inside I quickly close the door and exhale. 'Oh boy. This is going to be a long year.' I look into the mirror and see how red my face has become and I try to combat the colour by splashing my face with water. It's not very effective but it's the most I can do. I attempt to regain composure before stepping out of the bathroom. Shinsou glances up at me when I step out and I try not to panic. 'He's looking at me! What do I do!?'

"Are you alright?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm great!" I try not to blush again as he smiles

"Alright, good." His attention returns to his phone and I make my way back to my bed. 'Don't be awkward Denki! Just have some confidence and it'll be fine. He's not that intimidating.' I glance at him. 'Well... he doesn't try to be. It's fine I'll get used to it.' I somehow manage to convince myself. I smirk a little as a new thought crosses my mind.

'Besides, what would be better than to share a room with the most attractive man in Japan?'

the idiot and the insomniac ~Shinkami~Where stories live. Discover now