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We live in a world where human's, when giving the opportunity can achieve great things in time. Men and women all equally given the chance to make something great, be something great. Win wars, invent the newest invention, prove a theory no one believed, uncover the unimaginable, and create monsters. That is the true luxury of being human. To choose to become great.

And then there are those who are 'gifted'.

The ones born with greatness. The select few with a gift ingrained in their bones. A gift that defines them and make them who they are. This same gift will carry them into greatness but equally, become their demise. Never born with the same gift. They are watched, cared for, and expected to be in an agreement with the regime. All of them, labeled and used by their gift.

"For the greater good." They say.

But the regime is made up of humankind. And humankind are nothing like the gifted. They may look and move exactly the same but deep within their genetic makeup they are polar opposites. The gifted were created to be great. To go further than their creators could. To foresee wars, create better inventions, prove the still unexplained, birth the unimaginable and most importantly, become the monsters.

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