A first sight

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He battled against the new enemy in the city, slowly winning. He had been fighting ever since he became the protector of Metro City and had no help at all. He had always wanted a partner but never knew anyone who would want to. As he thought he got kicked into a wall groaning as he hit it.

"To bad megaloser, I was hoping for a battle" He went to punch him as a strange purple object hit the guy's shoulder exploding, knocking him back. Megamind looked confused for a second then a masked hero jumped down dressed in a whole purple outfit. She had a hood over her head with black goggles covering her eyes. "Who are you?" The bad guy said, as the figure walked forward.

"Name's Raven" She said as she kicked him in the chest. "Your a bit slow aren't you?" He went to hit her but she rolled to the side punching him in the face. Megamind just watched in shock not knowing what to do, this masked hero... Was amazing and she had her own gadgets which she used with skill. He didn't know what he was feeling but he knew it was something he'd never felt before.

She finally shot him with a strange purple gun the guy freezing in a block of purple ice. She took a breath putting the gun on her belt, looking at the guy. "I knew this guy was a cold-hearted freak but now it's colder" She smiled to herself as she looked over at Megamind. "Nice helping you" She said as she ran off pulling out a button, pressing it, it turned into a small trampoline and she jumped onto it, going into the air, a jetpack shooting herself away, Megamind just staring in awe at this amazing hero.

"You should have seen her Minion!" He told his friend as the walked down the street. "She froze him in a block of ice... But it was purple!" Minion smiled at him, he liked seeing him happy.

"So we can do anything today sir, we could check out the comic book store or maybe go for a look around the city or we can... Sir?" Megamind wasn't looking or listening to him, as Minion looked over he saw what the boss was looking at. It was group of kids singing together all having fun. But Megamind was looking at one of them it was a girl with Y/H/C and Y/E/C who was playing guitar and singing. He stared at her as she sang to the crowd of people, looking like she was having a blast. She wore brown glasses on her face her hair tied up into a ponytail. She wore a blue jacket with a white T-shirt and blue jeans, she looked amazing and Megamind's heart started to beat a whole lot quicker as he watched her.

As they finished she checked her watch she packed her stuff running off in a hurry. He watched her leave his eyes never leaving her face until she went away.

"Code she was beautiful we need to find out who she is" He said as he sighed happily for once... Maybe the hero of this city would have someone to share it with. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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