A Black Ship And Green Fields

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"And that about covers it." Rex finished. "All right, I'll see you later! Should be back in a day or two. Take it easy, Gramps!" Rex watched at the titan's face twitched as he looked down on him. 'Uh-oh' came the unhelpful thought, 'Here comes the scolding.'

"That does not "about cover it" in the slightest!" Came the titan's voice, as if responding to his thoughts. Rex recoiled slightly. "Why would you take a job you know nothing about?" Gramps continued. "You don't even know who your employer is!"

"This came straight from the Chairman, remember?" Rex reminded Gramps. "What more do you need? Anyway, I'm off. You can take a nap while you wait!" he finished, running off quickly.

"H-hey! Come back here, will you?! Rex!" Gramps' voice came from behind him. He continued to run, ignoring Gramps.

'Now that I've got Gramp's permission, just about...I'd better start making preparations for this mission. A hundred grand to spend...that sure is an exciting prospect! I could buy a whole new cutting-edge salvaging suit...' he thought to himself, practically foaming at the mouth.

Rex cut himself off suddenly, guilt settling in his gut. 'But no, I can't splurge this all at once. The folks back home need this money more than I do. I'll hold off on making any big purchases, and just head to Shynini's Accessories.' he thought, thinking back to the Abyss Vest he saw before. 'Always best to be prepared for anything! I might end up fighting a Crustip like on my last salvage.'


Rex felt at his salvager uniform, feeling the Abyss Vest underneath his shirt. It was expensive but it was worth it. He had already sent the rest of the money away to Fonsett. He wished he could see the look on Auntie's face when it arrived.

He headed towards the Goldmouth Exit Dock, waving to Razzlydazzly as he passed by the nopon.

Rex stared up at the large ship docked at the side of the guild. "Wheeling out the Maelstrom for this? Bana sure has deep pockets..." he said to himself.

"Gawking at a boat?" came an annoyingly familiar voice, "What are you, twelve?" Nia took a small pause. "Wait, maybe you are twelve."

Rex turned around, facing the gormotti girl and her blade. "What's my age got to do with anything?" he asked, "I can tell an awesome feat of engineering when I see one!"

Nia rolled her eyes, crossing her arms over her chest. "You don't close your mouth soon, you're gonna swallow a fly."

Rex backed down, looking down. "What's her problem?" he said lowly, so she wouldn't hear, "We're nearly the same age."

Rex's eyes trailed down to where he knew the anchor line was. "Also, you might want to watch where you stand, otherwise when we cast off..." he trailed off, eyes flicking back up to stare into hers. "That rope'll take your leg clean off."

Nia startled backyards slightly with a small cry. Rex smiled at her. "Gotcha."

"Why, you little-!"

"Now look who's mouth's hanging open" he retorted mockingly.

His eyes flickered past the girl he was teasing to see Pyra and her blade standing with Jin, an delicate, amused smile on her face. She caught his eye and smiled a little wider.

Rex's attention was drawn off of her by Mason, another salvager that will be joining the mission. "Rex" he started, "We're heading out. There's no one seeing you off, right?" he asked, not waiting for an answer. "You got night watch. Till then, rest up inside."

"aye-aye," Rex responded. He gave Nia a mocking wave and headed inside the Maelstrom and setting straight for the quarters.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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