Chapter 5: Its Now Or Never

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"Kiana!!" AJ yelled out at me.

I wake up in fear. AJ grabs my arm and pulls me out of the back lounge.

"Kiana, really?" AJ asked.

"What?" I asked.

"I thought I said I didn't want you and Tyler flirting or anything of the sort" AJ asked.

"I know, but you can't stop two people from liking each other" I replied.

"Listen, I know that your starting to have feelings for Tyler but remember what happened last time when you got a relationship? You where depressed for almost a year" AJ replied.

"I know your just looking out for me but what if this time it's different?" I asked.

"Okay, it may be different this time, and I'm sorry to say this but I don't wanna take a risk of you falling back into depression again, so now I don't want you hanging out with Tyler at all" AJ replied.

"I can't believe you right now!" I replied running to my bunk in tears.  

"Kiana wait!" AJ shouted out chasing after me.

"No! There's nothing left to say other than I can't believe you'd be this cold hearted"

AJ stood there in shock. He then just walked away slowly with a guilty look On his face.

As I laid there in my bunk with the curtain closed, I accidentally fall asleep.

"Kiana" I hear somebody whisper to me as it wakes me up.

"AJ go away I don't wanna talk to you, leave me alone" I replied.

"No Kiana, it's me" they replied opening the curtain to my bunk.

"Tyler? Oh my gosh, what time is it?!" I asked.

"Yeah, and it's 9:00 Pm"

"Oh my god I can't believe I slept threw the whole day, and you guys set today"

"No it's alright, and i snuck away from the guys to come and see you"

"Where are the guys anyway?" I asked.

"There out with their girlfriends" he replied.

"Oh, well how come your not with them?" I asked.

"Because your the only girl I wanna be spending my night with" Tyler replied.

"Awh that's so sweet" I replied smiling.

Tyler gets into my bunk with me and gets under the covers.

"Well, I just wanna say that I really love that your here on tour with us for warped and I really love spending time with you" Tyler replied.

"I'm really happy that I'm here too and I also really love spending time with you too" I replied.

Tyler leans in and kisses me so softly on my lips.

"Wait, Tyler" i interrupt our kiss.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's AJ, he told me that he doesn't want me spending time with you at all" I replied.

"I know, he already have me the whole speech about an hour ago" he replied.

"He did?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I don't care" Tyler replied.

I smiled at him.

"Now come here" Tyler replied leaning in and Kissing me again.

For the first time Tyler and I had our first real kiss, it turned into a make out session. I had butterflies the entire time.

"I'm so happy I got to spend time with you tonight Tyler" I said.

"As am I Kiana" Tyler replied kissing me on the cheek.

"So by the way, your an amazing kisser" I replied blushing.

"Thanks beautiful, so are you" Tyler replied.

"Well thanks handsome" I replied.

"No problem sweetheart" Tyler replied blushing.

I start giggling.


I know this chapter was a little short but I'm really liking these fan fiction stories <3 (:

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