ANDROID KSJ6 (Seokjin)

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"Lady's and Gentlemen's,the future comes,and we need to upgrade some few things right now,i would like to present to you the Androids who made by our scientists helped by the engineers and more" he stop as suddenly a cover thing in his side he went,as he went there he uncover the thing and it reveals the robot which is an Android he was talking about.

"This is the Android what I've been talking about,i want you to represent our first Android that we've made,he is Android JK 1,he was our successful Android that we've made,this android will made a future to us,they can feel our emotions,they can cry,they can act and talk like a human,you can also be their love ones,they can express some love and they were there to your side comforting you when you have a problem,each year will past we will update them as soon as possible,don't worry they are harmless they can also protect you from any dangers,this will bring the future with us" The MC said as all sat up and clap their hands.

"If you want to buy some android kindly contact us in our respectively numbers and we will answer you as soon as possible and it cost 1.3 KW" He said as as the half of the guest their pick up their phone and it is like that they were buying an Android,so rich of them.

I turn off the T.V and sigh,my phone suddenly rings and i saw the caller id which is my friend Jimin.

Jimin is my best friend since were at the high school days,he was born in a rich family so it's very obvious that he will buy some so called androids.

"Hello?" I answer it.
"Did you watch the news?about the androids?" He ask.
"Yeah,it's kinda weird,also it's corny tho." I said as i sigh.
"what's corny with that thing,it's kinda awesome" he said.
"I hate it,also i hate the last words that the M.C said in the news" i said.
"What is it?" He said.
"The Android will bring the future with what are they saying is the androids that they were made is our future,that the android will ruled us,psh"i said.
" Don't be negative freak,don't say that,what if they were just want to help for our future "he said.
" aish,you're just rich so you can say that thing"i said.
"Nvrmd,well by the way i will buy some android wanna join?" He said.
"For real sake?you're wasting your money for that" i said.
"No I'm not,i will buy you some hehe,no buts" he said.
"Hell no!" I said,as he suddenly end the call,that was a waste of time and money if he buys me that thing,hope he will forget it.

-skip time-

I woke up in my alarm that is very annoying,i suddenly shut the clock up as i soon go towards the bathroom and i do my morning routine.

As i finish my morning routine i
decided to go at my kitchen and have some break fast.

-Later on-

As i finish my breakfast i sat on my couch and check my social media,few of my friends posted about their android that they bought and Jimin also posted.

Later on,while i am checking my phone suddenly rang and the caller id is jimin.

Before i answer his call,i sigh and i hope that he will forgot about the android of mine.

"Hello?" I said.
Y/N!!!" He greet on me in a jolly way.
"You're so energetic today,what happen?" I said.
"Before i answer your question my friend,well how's your day?" He ask.
"I'm actually fine,how about  you?" I said.
"Super happy and fine,well i will answer now your question to me,I'm energetic today because i bought some androids!!!" He said.

I feel my heart beat so fast as he said that,'ANDROIDS',it keeps echoing in my mind,it likes a drug to me.

"Well i bough for me also for you,my android is a girl one her name is Seulgi,and yours a boy,and i don't actually know what's the name of your android cause i don't unpack it" he said.
"You know that i don't really like those android Jimin,i eeally appreciate your effort to me,but you don't need to waste your money for me" i said.
"It's okay Y/N,your my friend,and thank you also,you know that i love you so no matter what happen i will do everything for you" he said.
"That was a touching one jimin,well your welcome,i love you too!" I said.
"Love you more,well i will call harold to bring the android to you,no buts...but see you in the next day...gotta go byeee!!!" He said as he hung up the call.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2020 ⏰

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