2. (:He's back :(

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previously ~ It's 10:30pm and I'm currently trying to sleep but I can't stop thinking about my dream of Bryce and I kissing. I only met him today, I can't begin to catch feelings for him. I already have the love of my life....

Okay okay I know what you're thinking "WHO IS THE LOVE OF YOUR LIFE?!!" or "its probably Chase" well it's definitely not Chase, so you don't gotta worry about that me and Chase are strictly friends. But if you really want to know you better stay tuned, it's a long story (but im getting to that later BUT very soon).

*buzz. buzz buzz. buzz.*

I lift my head off of the pillow and pick up my phone to turn off the alarm, I look at the screen and I have 10 missed calls from Cassie and 30 messages so I call her immediately 

Me ~ "Hey-"

Cassie ~ "Hurry up, get ready and meet me at Pancake Parlour."

Me ~ "Oh okay I'll be there in 15"

Cassie ~ "see ya there"

*call ends*   

*15 minutes later*

I just arrived and can already see Cassie jumping of joy that I'm here. I hop out the car and walk up to her and give her a hug.

"what was so urgent that you had to blow up my phone and meet me at Pancake Parlour?"

" I have a surprise!" she looks awfully suspicious, and to be honest I'm a little bit scared. We walk into the breakfast restaurant and she covers my eyes while walking me to our table. She removes her hands revealing a tall, tanned, very hot looking dude and I instantly know who it is.

"JADEN" I squeal in excitement as I run up jumping on to him, he catches me and swings me around twice. We stay in that embrace for two minutes then we pull away.

"Ally you're crying haha" omg I am crying, when all of a sudden I burst out laughing. Jaden joins in the laughter. 

(Here's a little back story on Jaden) He is Cassie's brother and when I met Jaden in 2008 I was 4 turning 5 and he was 6 turning 7. I was having a sleepover with Cassie, I always thought he was attractive. I started catching feelings for him in 2010. A few years go by and no exaggeration I saw him every single day, we are super close now. I still had extreme feelings for him, so last year I decided to tell him how I felt. Turns out he really liked me too. When he told me I was so relieved, but we made a promise to never tell Cassie because we knew that she would not approve. We agreed to act normal and go on as if we never had this conversation, but every night either I would sneak into his room or he would sneak into mine and we would talk all night, even watch the stars on the roof. Jaden is probably the best thing to ever happen to me, I think I may have fallen in love with him. One month passed and one night we went to a party and I was drunk (shhhh don't tell the cops about my underage drinking) and dancing with a random guy, we ended up making out for like 10 minutes.... and Jaden watched the entire time and got extremely jealous, he lost his temper (it was very bad). He broke a bunch of random peoples cars and found the address of the guy I made out with and threw a brick through his window and injured a baby that was in the room. That baby was at risk of dying and now has brain damage. Two days later Jaden was arrested and sentenced 10 months in prison, he would have been in there longer but he didn't know that there was a baby in there so technically it was an accident. I am definitely still in love with him I hope he feels the same....

Stupid Dare // Bryce & Jaden POV (Slow Posting)Where stories live. Discover now