~* Seven - Abs *~

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Jungkook's POV

"Jinnnnn!" I yelled, sliding into the kitchen.

"Jungkook-ah!" Jin yelled back, not taking his eyes off of the meal he was making.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

Jin looked up from the skillet. "Pancakes."

I chuckled. "Tae's gonna be mad."

Jin rolled his eyes. "Pancakes are better and Tae knows it!"

I smiled. "But Hyung. Waffles are just pa-"

"Pancakes with abs! Yeah, yeah!" Jin snacked my shoulder. "Go and tell your boyfriend to get over himself."

I flushed bright red. "Shhhh! You too? He might overhear."

Jin turned the flame off and turned to me. "He's not your boyfriend?"

I shook my head.

Jin chuckled. "A cameraless vacation seems to be a good time and place to ask him out~"

I smiled. "You think he'd say yes?"

Jin turned the flame back on. "Yah! Of course he would! Now go get him for breakfast!"

I chuckled, walking away to Tae's room. When I walked in, he was half asleep on the bed. I threw myself on top of him.

"Bad news Tae."

He kicked me off of him and pouted. "No waffles?"

I booped his nose. "Worse."

He gasped dramatically. "Pancakes."

I nodded.

He stood straight up from the bed. He was fully awake.

"Jin Hyung!"

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