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"hey, are you okay back there? you need a tissue or anything?" the kind taxi driver asks nana, and she nods her head. at the junction he pulls one from his bag and hands it to nana.

"thank you," nana can barely manage speaking. she unlocks her phone and stares at the picture of yuta and her on his phone's lockscreen. she bites her lip and unlocks the phone. she goes to his gallery and sees the album labelled 'loml (emoji)'.

nana clicks on it and her finger hovers on the option, delete all pictures? she closes her eyes and clicks the button and when she opens them again, no photos found stares back at her.

she had deleted all their conversations, and his messages about her. she had completely wiped any memory of her, of them, from his phone. they were all gone. just like how his memory was.

"we're here," the taxi driver says gently, and nana nods her head to thank him. "hey, whatever you're going through right now," he tells her, "i hope it'll get better soon." it won't. it never will.

"thank you," she says instead politely.

nana spots jaehyun waiting for her at the entrance, pacing up and down. "hey," she breaks his gaze from his phone and he sighs. "nana," he doesn't even think twice before wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close to his chest.

"can you do this?" i can't. i won't ever will. nana nods her head as she pulls away and manages a small smile. jaehyun doesn't look the very much assured, so he turns them around and puts an arm around nana, giving her shoulder a light squeeze.

the walk to yuta's room feels like a century. it feels as if nana was walking to nowhere in particular — no particular place, no destination ahead.

"oh, nana!" a voice brings nana out of her trance and she grins warmly as mrs nakamoto embraces her. "mrs nakomoto," nana says, pulling away after a few seconds and drops her hand to hold those of a hurting mother.

"promise me you won't tell yuta that we were ever together," she presses her lips together and mrs nakamoto looks she is about to say something, but she simply nods her heads as she looks into the pain-filled eyes of the girl before her.

mr nakamoto walks over and gestures for them to enter the room together. nana lets go of her grip around their hands and takes in a deep breath before taking a step, one after another, the next one much heavier than the previous.

pained eyes meet dull eyes in a second, and nana feels her brain press rewind in a moment too fast to register. lips curving upwards meet pressed biting ones (the urge not to cry is seemingly suffocating), and yuta sees someone familiar, but not at all.

"nana?" yuta chuckles, pointing to her. the voice that sings a lullaby to sleep, the voice to soothe tears and the voice to whisper all the words nana ever wanted to hear is all the same — yet they will never do what it did before. "we were close?"

the words slap nana across the face harder than ever, and it was only the first few she were hearing. she mentally prepares herself for more invisible bruises (visible to her, though).

"yeah, we were all in the same economics class, and the three of us got close, too," jaehyun speaks on behalf on nana, pressing a comforting hand on her back while rubbing it from north to south.

yuta giggles, "ah... just close?" he winks, and everybody turns to nana. she swallows every bit of her to break down and simply cease to exist in front of everybody right now.  ignoring him blatantly, she simply replies, "i'm so glad you're alright..." love of my entire life? the most important person to me? my world, my entire universe, the stars beyond every galaxy —


god, it hurt. it hurt more than a slowl, painful death enveloping her whole. she simply couldn't — not in front of him, not in front of them. "give me your car keys," she looks at jaehyun, and he looks confused for a second, but her eyes are cold and dead-serious. jaehyun digs his pocket and passes them to her, not because he wanted to, but he felt more or less obliged to.

"excuse me," she smiles for the first time, but it isn't really a smile. it's a polite gesture, a calm before the storm. she turns away as she sees yuta about to say something, mouth half-open. but she can't hear it, hell, she never wants to ever hear it.

she turns around and the tears instinctively begin to stream down her face. her vision is blurry, and she hopes and prays with the last bit of energy in her that she will end up at jaehyun's car.

thankfully, a hand grips onto her wrist and jaehyun watches nana's figure, back facing him, shake in a staccato rhythm of the blues . "no way i'm letting you drive like this, nana," he manages to say, and nana nods her head.

sighing, he puts an arm around her shoulder and leads the way, while all the latter can do is helplessly sob. she cries very hard, and she mourns, and she rages, and she gives up, all at the same time, without herself even realising.

"where are we going?" nana hears jaehyun whisper, and she takes a deep breath.

"yuta's house."

a few things!

1. sorry this update took waaaay longer than expected T____T uni is a bitch
2. would you be interested in a nct ship-centric fic? i'm thinking of a fwb fic but idk what ship to use (suggestions would be very much appreciated!!)
3. i promise i will try to update every week!! keyword try but comments and votes keep me going hehe i'm very thankful for all the love thus far
4. love you! hope everyone's safe and healthy ^____^

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