When kiseop met kevin woo part 2

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“Then you aren’t trying to make it better.” Kevin shrugs.

“What?” I ask, a little annoyed he’d just said that.

“If it’s your job pissing you off, then quit. If it’s this town pissing you off then move. If it’s the person you love pissing you off then leave them. Move on. Don’t use excuses, pack a bag and get on a bus, a train a boat, a plane. Anything! If you’re not happy, get up and go somewhere, smile at a pretty girl, in a new town and see where it gets you. And if that doesn’t work, smile at every pretty girl in the town. By the looks of you, most of them would smile back, and the ones who wouldn’t would be lesbians.” He tilts his head and gives me a matter of fact smirk. I crack a smile at his comment and just shake my head. “I was right, you smile at them, they will smile back, especially with that smile. You’d be amazed how attractive you are when you smile.”

“Are you flirting with me on the top of a building while trying to talk me out of suicide?” I ask, amused by this strange and wonderful boy beside me.

“Well it’s making you smile.” Kevin shrugs then stands up and moves away from the edge then starts dancing a little. “And you don’t exactly look too weirded out by it.” He comments.

“It’s been a long time since someone’s flirted with me. It’s flattering.” I admit.

“Hmm, am I the first person you’ve smiled at in a while?” Kevin asks.

“Come to think of it. Yes.” I reply then stand up and walk over to him. He reaches his hands out and just look at them confused for a moment.

“Dance with me.” He orders very softly. I take his hands and he moves in closer to me, we start to sorta sway side to side, our bodies pressed together as we dance. “Are you feeling any better?” Kevin asks me, his head resting on my shoulder. I don’t reply, because honestly, I didn’t know what to say. Yes, as a matter of fact I was feeling better. I could almost feel the happiness converging on Kevin and making it’s mark on me. I was even smiling to myself as I thought about how it felt, and that scared me a little. I had come up here, so sure of what my night would bring. I never imagined I’d be here, with him.

“Why are you here?” I ask him as we dance. The sweet boy looks into my eyes, dangerously drawing me in, I could get lost in those eyes.

“I’m here to tell you, that giving up is not an option. The world gets better.” He whispers, moving his hands to around my neck. Before I could even think of what I was doing, I was leaning in, his kiss felt as incredible as I imagined it would. I felt so loved, so warm and so above the problems. I couldn’t have broken that kiss if I tried, the way our lips moved together was beautiful. Without a word, we were finding ourselves cuddling on the roof, still looking down, our legs dangling over the edge. “Do you still want to jump?” He asks.

“I…” I stop, there was no way I could jump. Not now, now that I’d met him.”

“Kiseop?” Kevin asks with a sigh.

“Yes?” I look at him and smile.

“You do know I’m not really here, don’t you?” His words sounded like they echoed in my mind.

“I know.” I admit, tears filling my eyes, of course I’d made this up. This imaginary man, this imaginary excuse why I shouldn’t close my eyes and fall from the roof. “But I need you here.” I tell him desperately.

“You know how your brain works, right? You dream of someone you think you’ve never met, but in reality, you have seen me in passing. I’m out there. You just need to wake up and find me.” Kevin tells me.

“Wake up?” I frown.

“You’re dreaming. Wake up.” Kevin tells me.

“I don’t want to, because if I wake up, you won’t be there.” I shake my head and look down at the pavement. “How do I find you?” I ask, giving up and accepting that I was dreaming him up. I turn my head and he’s gone. “No!” I shout. “Kevin!” I scream out his name in fear, heart breaking as I realise he’s gone, maybe forever. I stand up and without hesitation, jump. The cold air rushing past my face left no feeling as I await the pain of the pavement.

My eyes open quickly and I sit up. My head was pounding and my cheeks had tears staining them. In one dream I had found the most perfect man, and in that same dream, I had lost him. I get up on shaky legs and look out the window. My brain hurts as I try to find him in my memory, try to work out where I’d seen this beautiful man before. I sit on the couch and turn the T.V on then slump onto it.

‘Police have concluded this was indeed, a suicide. Kevin Woo, took his life yesterday, his body was found at 7am when his parents awoke to the sound of his alarm, when his alarm didn’t stop his father went to check on him and discovered his deceased body. His suicide was believed to be related to bullying incidents towards his sexuality.’

My body goes cold. My Angel. The man that had saved my life in my dream. I remembered him from the news. Two sad, lonely guys. No wonder I chose him to stop me jumping in my dream. We could have been perfect together.

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