Chapter 1.1

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In a starship's lower deck, the walls and the floor shone with metallic luster, glittering in silver. In front, several laser beams stood above the ground like prison pillars, locking a dark-haired teenager who huddled in a corner of the deck.

The teenager didn't look very old, and his face looked bit childish. With a few strands of his brownish black hair softly pressed against his cheek. He sat cross-legged on the metal floor, squinting at the line of laser beams in front of him, his face agitated.

It's been a while since he came to this interstellar world, and he's still a bit confused about the current situation. The world, which could only be seen in novels, movies, and comics, truly appeared in front of his eyes, making him feel like he was dreaming.

He was originally just an ordinary student. It is reasonable that at this age, it is a moment of vitality and youthfulness.

Unfortunately, he couldn't soar and live life to the fullest.

Suffering from a strange case of internal organ failure since he was a child, he was already at his fifteenth year when the doctors said they could no longer sustain his life.

After hearing the doctor's conclusion, his parents gritted their teeth and decided to freeze him. Thinking of waiting for more than a decade when the medical progress was advanced enough to cure his strange illness, then he'll be defrosted.

However, as soon as he fell asleep, the people started to construct Mars Base during the beginning of the Earth Age, and then entered the Interstellar Era wherein tens of thousands of years later they had built starships and space crafts which were littered everywhere in the universe.

So did the original freezing operation actually fail then after his death he crossed over time? Or did the original freezing operation accidentally caused the freezing which was set to defrost 20 years later to change into tens of thousands of years in the future?

...... But no matter what kind of reason it is, he's still in this serious predicament.

When the protagonists in those novels, films, and television series travels from modern to ancient times, such plots can be played easily as it gives the character with an advantage of cool modern knowledge and art that surpasses the time and place.

As for him ...

Hehe, do you know how it feels when primitive people cross into modern society? Well, in this Interstellar Era, he certainly knew how it feels to be the primitive man.

In fact, compared to the possibility of a mishap happening while he was frozen, defrosting tens of thousands of years after sleeping is still much preferable.

Because although he still seems to have the same physical appearance as he used to, he is very healthy. Also, when he first opened his eyes, he saw a white-haired old man who claimed to be his grandfather, saying that his parents died unexpectedly and now only the two of them are left.

Since he only woke up at that time, he was confused and thus, due to his limited knowledge of this era was compelled to follow the old man.

At the beginning, he really didn't understand anything as a primitive man, not even common language. But the old man was very patient with his only grandson, he taught him the lingua franca, taught him how to use everyday appliances that were extremely high-tech to him, and taught him some of the most basic things of this age.

He followed his grandfather to live in a small house for more than a month, and just barely got used to the life of this era when he didn't know why, but the old man was suddenly anxious and hurriedly took him away from this planet to go to the Dal galaxy. Though seeing that expression on the old man's face he was quite sure that something serious has happened.

He naturally followed behind his grandfather obediently, and was a little excited as he boarded the civilian spacecraft.

After all, during his time, traversing the sea of ​​stars is the dream of every teenager.

However, before he had the time to enjoy the taste of traveling alongside the sea of ​​stars for the first time, the legendary Star Pirates came over to ruin it.

The passenger spacecraft was then bombed halfway through its journey, and together with his grandfather they were caught. In a moment of hesitation, he was held here alone as captive and after listening to the conversations of the roaming pirates; he figured that they meant to sell him.

Sitting on the cold corner, the dark haired youth could feel the metallic coldness penetrating through his clothes into his skin. His head rested weakly on his knee with his face pale as though it has drained of blood.

The pirates didn't give him any food during the days he was locked in. They just gave him a small bowl of water every day causing him to feel dizzy and weak from hunger.

With him being like this, they really don't have to worry about his resistance. The consciousness of the youth suffering from hunger was starting to get blurry preventing him from thinking of ways to escape. Besides, even if given the chance to hold a laser gun or a sword, he wouldn't be able to use it as he doesn't know how to.

... I wonder what the old man is doing right now.

He thought, in a daze.

Although the grandfather was a stranger to him, the old man stayed with him for more than a month after he woke up and taught him a lot of things. He really doesn't want anything bad to happen to him, and he certainly didn't want for the old man to suffer any injustice.

With nothing else to do, the teenager was forced to sleep through his hunger, but just as he closed his eyes a loud 'bang' echoed throughout the place and the whole room he was in shook violently. It was like the pirate's starship was hit by something hard.

The loud noise and violent vibrations caused confusion to the currently weak and dozing youth.

There were two more 'bangs' of explosion that sounded out and the metal floor under his feet started shaking violently. Vague sounds of bombing continued and the entire floor suddenly tilted to the left causing the dark-haired youth sitting on the floor followed the motion sliding to the left, and then slammed into the hard metal wall.

It hurts!!!

The teenager grimaced and screamed at the bottom of his heart then touching his forehead that now contained a big bump; he thought that he was somewhat fortunate that the hull tilted to the left otherwise if it tilted to the right...

He glanced at the dozens of laser beams on the right that enclosed him like a railing; images of being cut into smithereens immediately filled his mind.

Loading... his brain was directly overloaded with various nauseating bloody images.

Various sounds of killing, gunfire, shouting and metal crashing came from the outside one after another. The dark-haired youth subconsciously wanted to stand up and go to the laser beam fence to peak at the situation. But having been starved for how many days now, he was currently devoid of strength. He wasn't able to stand up after a few attempts. And can only use his hands and feet to slowly crawl towards the beams. Just before moving to the laser beam fence, the fierce assault on the outside stopped abruptly, and the battle seemed to have reached its conclusion.

However, the door to the room he was in was closed, and he couldn't see what was happening outside, thus he felt upset.

Just as he was staring hard at the closed door as though he wanted to poke a hole on the hard titanium with his eyes, there was suddenly a loud 'bang' that rang out and the titanium prison door was opened.

Someone came in.

TN: Guys some things may get lost in this translation, but I will do my best to make it comprehensible!----- Btw, I was warned that this author really loves to describe their characters (so if you get stuffed with the description emm, yeah lol). ♡\( ̄▽ ̄)/♡

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