Plants and boyfriends 🌵

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The three times Ram gave King a plant and the one time he received one.

After the fight between him and senior Bohn, Ram understood that senior is stubborn and won't stop going after his friend.

He still didn't like the senior or his group whenever they stopped by to have lunch with him and his friends but there was this one senior among them whose smile did wonders to his heart.

He knew he was in deep when seeing King's face became the one and only highlight of his day and whenever King pestered him for something, he couldn't help but love all the attention.

This one sided pining went on for three months and now even their friends started calling them husbands and seeing King unaffected by it gave him hope yet scared him at the same time.

Maybe he just didn't care.

His brother suggested him to take matter in his hand and confess to the said senior but he couldn't just go infront of King and say 'I like you very much. Please accept me and my dogs' , so he formulated a plan.

He's going to get his man by giving him plants.

A cactus plant is considered as the symbol of longevity, protection, and endurance, and it can as well be seen as the sign of beauty and uniqueness.

Unique and beautiful just like King and at the same time showing his intentions of protecting King at all costs.

So he picked up a cactus plant from a shop nearby and walked towards the library where he knew he'll find his King.

As soon as he entered though, he saw King at a table near the window and he was probably sleeping as his head was on the table. The sunlight seeping through the little opening was falling on King's hair, just making Ram fall deeper for him than he already was.

Ram's heart skipped a beat as he took a seat next to the senior. He kept the plant softly infront of senior's head for it to be easily visible to him when he wakes up. He couldn't stop but run his hand in senior's hair and the way senior leaned into his touch made him happy and angry at same time.

What does he think he's doing leaning into a stranger's touch like a cute little puppy? But that's the point though because he's not thinking at all. He's asleep. Ram couldn't help but let out a soft chuckle when a whine escaped senior's lips as soon as he stopped touching his hair.

He was totally lost, staring at King's face that he doesn't noticed Mek and Bohn watching the whole scene. He definitely didn't catch the voice of a picture being snapped as he felt his eyes dropping and he fell asleep right next to the senior with their elbows touching and leaving tingling sensation whenever any of them moved.

When he woke up some time after the senior left he felt exposed and shy seeing King's note for him.

"I took the plant with me. Thank you Ai'Ning" - 👑

He kept staring at the little crown as a warm feeling took over his chest.
Orchids represents rare and delicate beauty. The pink orchids especially convey pure affection.

Ram wanted to show just how much he cares for the senior so he left for the canteen with a pink orchid plant in his hand.

Upon reaching though, he was not very happy seeing Mek whisper something in King's ear making him blush. As his eyes met the senior's gaze he smiled. The senior glanced down at the plant in his hand with his eyebrows raised and he wanted nothing but to abort the plan and just go back to the dorm. So he did just that. He turned and started walking as fast as possible but he heard footsteps following him and he doesn't have to be Sherlock Holmes to know who followed him outside.

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