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Smackle's POV
Today's the day that I've been waiting for, for as long as I can remember my medical school graduation.

I am currently sitting on the subway my beloved Farkle shaking with excitement and nervousness so much so that I feel like Riley.

Farkle's POV
I am so excited for Smackle to finally graduate and start her dream job of being a doctor.

Smackle graduating is all I could think about since she finished taking her last med school final.

11 Minutes Later

The two had just arrived outside the Columbia University medical school. When Farkle started noticing Smackle was shaking more so then she was on the subway so Farkle wrapped his arms around her waist bringing her closer to his chest as Smackle draped her arms around his shoulders and kissed her in a loving reassuring way to let her know everything was going to be OK.

When the two pulled apart slightly out of breath Farkle brought his hand to her cheek and stroked it with his thumb.

" you have no reason to be nervous babe this is what you are meant to do you are going to be an amazing doctor, this is all you have ever wanted to do and you will do an amazing job."

Smackle leaned in and gave him a loving peck before saying "Thank you I really needed to hear that, now come on I don't wanna be late."

2 Hours Later

The group is currently sitting in the Minkas's apartment talking about how excited they are for Smackle, and for Riley and Lucas's wedding in a few months.

"I still can't believe that we all are so grown up, It's kinda hard to believe." Zay spoke suddenly which resulted in a slight chuckle from everyone else and for Maya to throw a marshmallow at him.

"We are not going to make this a big sad fest, You got that flat but?" The use of the name "Flat but" caused everyone to crack up. "You really wanna go there, Maya?" Zay questions Maya with a silly face, Riley chimed in from Lucas's lap,

"No! Nobody is going to go there and ruin Smackles celebration."

The group shook there heads in obedience, Soon the group noticed that the guest of honor and her boyfriend were nowhere to be found.

"I guess those two decided to get some privacy." Melanie started with a chuckle as Zay wrapped his arms around her.

The guys gave one another knowing smirks as the girls started talking about the wedding again.

Meanwhile, in the theater "Smarkle" were cozied up on one of the reclining couches watching home videos of there prom night, when Farkle sat up and looked at his favorite person, Smackle was so focused on the video that she didn't even notice, Farkle paused the video at just the right moment causing Smackle to look at him.

"Why'd you pause it?" Smackle asked Farkle with a confused tone. Farkel chuckled at her confusion he gently picked up her hand " Do you remember whats going on behind Riley and Maya dancing?"

She look at the screen that back at the sweet man next to her with a wide smile. "Of course I do, but that still doesn't answer my question."

Farkle laughed "Well that was the night that we had both told each another "I love you" for the first time so I thought that was only right to give you this while we watched this video even though I'll never forget that night..." Farkle took out a small band that was lined with diamonds from his pocket.

Smackles breath hitched when she saw it "Now I know you said that you wanted to wait until you were done with your first year residents before even thinking about getting married or engaged and I want to have a permanent position at Minkus industries since I have to go to Boston for a year wail your here this is my way of saying that nothing will ever make me stop loving you. So Isadora Smackle will you accept this ring as a promise that one day I'll exchange it for an engagement ring?" Farkle looks at Smackle who is frozen in front of him. " I understand if you don't wanna wait its a big ask bu...." Smackle cut of his nervous babbling with a loving kiss. " Does that answer your question?"

Farkel wrapped his arms around her waist look straight into her eyes with a smirk "I don't know?Can you tell me again?" Smackle wrapped her arms arm around his neck and gave a more steamy but loving kiss.

"I'll wait till the end of the Galaxy for you." Smackle informed Farkle causing him to slightly chuckle "what too cheesy?" smackle asked. "No not at all farkle held up the ring and those very words were engraved in the White gold band.

"I will wait till the end of the Galaxy for you." Farkle slid the ring onto the most beautiful women in the worlds ring finger as she staird lovingly into his eyes and the to shared a kiss as they unpaused the video and watched themselves say I love you for the first time as the they as they promised to one day say I love you for the rest of there lives.

Please disregard the year on the cap of the picture

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