Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

Ahhh" I say. Taking a deep breath and spreading my arms. A new life in a country I've always wanted to visit, Japan. Except, I was living in it!! Away from judging parents and others. Free to be myself. I grip the handle of my suitcase (only one because I wanted to buy stuff in Japan) and start to walk toward my apartment complex, humming a song.

As I'm walking, I pass a ramen shop. Looking at the sign and sniffing the air. Ahh the savory smell of freshly cooked ramen.

My stomach begins to growl, and I quickly put a hand on it trying to make it stop. A boy looks at me and snickers, rolling his eyes and mumbling something in Japanese. Not wanting to annoy someone already (cause I've only been here for 10 minutes) I slightly bow at the tall, slightly muscular boy "ごめんなさい (sorry)". He looks me up and down blankly before walking away.

"Ha, woow" I laugh in disbelief. This dude really just acted like he was utterly disgusted by the fact that my stomach growled. I roll your eyes, trying to drop the situation before opening the door to the small ramen shop.

After being stuffed to your neck with ramen. I make my way to the apartment complex. "おはようございます!(good morning) 私は私のアパートのためにここにいます (I'm here for my apartment)" I say grinning widely at the receptionist. She gasps and jumps up and down. Exclaiming in Japanese, then complementing me on my Japanese. She hands me my keys and a list of things for me to do as well as  places for me to explore Japan. I smile widely, thanking her and making my way to the elevator.

As I walk down the hallway. "I-34...I-36... where's I-38?" I say turning left and right searching for my apartment. Suddenly, I bump into a sign. I-38 to 50 with an arrow pointing upwards. "Well thanks" I smile, and head up one more flight.

I shove the key in the door, bouncing up and down in excitement, and shove the apartment door wide open. "HOME!!!" I say immediately finding your bedroom and jumping on the bed, smiling and starting to make snow angels on the bed, laughing and beaming with joy. This was my new start.

~~Time skip~~

I've bought groceries and snacks for my apartment, along with some gifts for my neighbors! Setting up everything in the kitchen you start to hum:

밤에 비가 내리면 우리 같은 날에

서로를 떠올려 밤새 울다 지치고

비가 내리면 내가 그렇듯이

너도 날 그리워하기를 바랄 거야

-when it rains at night Pentagon

"Alright!" I pretend to smack dust off your hands. "IM DONE SETTING UP" I shout proudly, grabbing the gifts for my neighbors and checking to make sure
I have nothing in my teeth in the mirror. Finally, I walk out the door.

I first stop at the apartment not too far from mine (the apartments are a little spaced out), to a small old Japanese lady. She greets me sweetly and I give her some cookies. "You shouldn't have!" She says and smiles, patting both of my hands. I bow "it's okay I needed to greet you somehow. Also I speak Japanese if that's better?" I ask her, curious if she was just speaking English because I was foreign. I mean I wasn't Japanese so it's not like she didn't have any reason NOT to...

"it's okay sweetheart I need practice English anyway!" She smiles and continues to hold my hands. After chatting for a bit about where I'm from and what I do, she lets me go greet other neighbors.

"OH before I forget! That boy downstairs...he's your age! Maybe go talk to him!" She yells, and her words echo through the hallways. I cringe and smile awkwardly, before giving her a nod and continuing down the hallway.

Since I was already at the end of the hallway near the stairs, I thought it'd be the best to greet the neighbor right downstairs. was I supposed to do that normally after what Mrs. Ito said?. I sigh and let my shoulders droop, making one more step before knocking on the door.

"Hi my name is- EHHHHH?!" I start then step back in shock, hugging the tub of cookies near your body. "That's your name?" The boy mocks, "I knew westerners were weird but this is uncalled for" he snickers, putting his forearm on the door frame while watching me try to talk.

Stomach growl guy, I think to myself. Except now, I can see him much better than I did before. Very tall, at least 6ft, his dark hair messily over his eyes. Dark dark eyes, and wearing a sleeveless shirt-

"you done?" He says raising an eyebrow. "What what? Sorry sorry um erm. Here" I say holding out the bin filled with cookies.

"Mmm. I'm good." He says and starts to shut the door.

"WAIT WAIT- " I yell and put my foot in the door to stop it from closing. "I'm the new neighbor upstairs and wanted to introduce myself. You are?"

"Yuto. Adachi Yuto" he says opening the door more.

"I like that name! Very handsome" I grin

"Maybe I like you" he winks, takes the cookies, and shuts the door.

I blink rapidly, trying to figure out what the heck just happened. Instead, I just shake your head and brush it off. "It doesn't matter it doesn't matter" I give myself a pep talk, and turn around toward the stairs. Marching upstairs, I flop in my bed before drifting off into a deep sleep


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