19 - Rebirth

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A couple of days drifted by since the discovery of the young girl's lifeless form. In our close-knit community, we held a special ritual to bid farewell to our loved ones when they departed this world. We believed it brought them safety and comfort in the next.

Our faith revolved around nature and harmony, weaving the threads of our past, present, and future together. I observed from a distance, watching as the family mourned the loss of the tender-hearted young girl. It always seemed that the purest souls, often the youngest, were the first to depart this world. Perhaps this harsh realm wasn't meant for their innocent spirits.

Perhaps the divine beings saw them as more deserving than the darker forces roaming our world. The mother clung to her daughter's lifeless hand, while the father, burdened by the weight of his grief, couldn't bear to look in her direction. Masculinity may exude strength and confidence, but it seemed to vanish at that moment, leaving only a bereaved father in its wake.

I couldn't fathom the turmoil raging within the father's mind at that moment. While the mother grappled with her grief, asking herself unanswerable "what-if" questions, the father appeared locked in a fierce battle with himself. His clenched fists spoke of simmering anger. Even I, standing there, couldn't fully grasp the depth of his inner turmoil. Yet, I had to remain with them, standing together beneath the chilly spring rain.

As the Luna, it was my duty to the people to make this pack feel like home. While the Alpha protected the pack and ensured their financial well-being, I was responsible for their emotional and social welfare. I had to be a constant presence, unwavering in my support through all of life's trials.

It was only when a young sibling of the family instinctively clung to me that I became aware of what I was actually supposed to do. I embraced the boy, his tears bearing witness to the harsh reality that he would never see his sister again. He was just a seven-year-old, forced to confront the trauma of such a tragic event at such a tender age.

I gently lifted the boy, cradling him as he released the torrents of tears and pain held within his small frame, and I approached the parents.

"Please accept my deepest condolences, Mr. Remus," I began, my voice struggling to find the right words. "It is a profound tragedy to witness the departure of a loved one. The Alpha and I are here to offer our unwavering support." I paused, the words finally taking some shape after feeling initially lost. Mr. Remus met my gaze, his eyes red from the tears he had shed.

I could see the tempest churning within him, and I didn't just see it-I could feel it bearing down on me. To be perfectly candid, despite my higher rank, there was nothing more harrowing than witnessing a father consumed by wrath and a thirst for revenge. A shiver ran down my spine as I swallowed the lump of unease that had formed in my throat.

"I want each and every one of them to be found. Every single one of them." he paused as the silence enveloped us, but could feel how much rage was coming out of him." I want them to suffer, to burn in the depths of hell, and I'll ensure they never bask in the light of day again," Remus declared, his words dripping with venom as rain cascaded down his chin.

"Our Alpha will spare no effort in tracking down these killers," I replied, my voice conveying unwavering support and a commitment to justice. However, the unsettling memory of Alex and Nate tormenting a captive hunter in the dungeon surfaced in my mind, leaving me with a lingering sense of queasiness.

The air was heavy with grief as the mother, her knees finally giving way under the weight of her sorrow, rose from the cold ground where her daughter lay. The body, soon to be surrendered to the flames, was a testament to a loss so profound that words seemed inadequate. She moved towards us, her steps hesitant, as if each one took a piece of her strength. Standing beside her mate, she remained silent, her gaze fixed on the ground, unable to meet our eyes.

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