22 - First Morning

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! This Chapter Contains Mature Content!

Sunlight streamed into the room, its rays directly assaulting my eyes and prompting me to twist and turn in bed, seeking refuge from its glare. Wrapped snugly in a blanket heavy with our mingled scents, I reluctantly opened my eyes to survey my surroundings.

The allure of sleep still tugged at me, its embrace far more appealing than the thought of starting the day. Yet, the events of the previous day - the exhilarating chase and our fervent moments in the wheat field - reminded me of the need for a refreshing shower.

"Good Morning," his voice, deep and imbued with a tenderness that seemed to melt my very being, greeted me. I managed a smile in response.

"Morning," I replied, my voice raspy from sleep. He placed a plate and glass on the nightstand before crouching down to meet my gaze, his eyes shining with an affection that left me bewildered.

In my current state, with my body marked by the remains of our yesterday's devotion and pervasive drowsiness clouding my senses, I felt far from presentable. Yet, there he was, gazing at me as if I embodied the morning's perfection, his love undiminished. It's a mystery I doubt I'll ever solve.

"I brought you some breakfast; you need to eat," he said softly, his gaze lingering on me. "You had quite an eventful night," he added, a reference to our intense experiences. The memory sent a wave of warmth to my cheeks, and I fought the temptation to retreat back into the comfort of my dreams.

"It smells delicious," I said, finally mustering the energy to sit up. "What's on the menu?" I inquired, peering at the plate while securely wrapping the blanket around myself to maintain modesty.

"I cooked up some bacon, meatballs, and a sausage," he answered, watching as I eyed the food with growing appetite.

"I'll gladly have that," I declared, reaching for the plate with the eagerness of someone who hadn't eaten in ages.

His laughter filled the room as he handed me the plate, which I eagerly accepted, devouring the food with my hands in a display of unabashed hunger. I could sense his amusement as I indulged, not minding the lack of greens on the plate, understanding that my body was likely craving the protein more.

As he stood, he gently removed bits of grass and wheat from my tangled hair, a subtle reminder of my need for a shower.

"Would it be alright if I took a shower now?" I asked between mouthfuls, looking up at him.

"Of course," he replied, puzzled by my question. "Why wouldn't it?"

I hesitated, then voiced my concern. "I just thought... maybe to keep your scent on me while you know...," I admitted, taking another bite of bacon.

He leaned in, his voice dropping to a sultry whisper. "Even if you wash it off, I'll make sure to cover you with my scent again within an hour," his eyes darkening with renewed desire.

His suggestive remark left me with mixed feelings, the anticipation of what was to come mingling with my current state of vulnerability. Despite my heat and Nate's evident desire, the thought of being at his mercy again so soon was overwhelming, making it difficult to focus on anything else.

Having finished the meal and the juice, I rose to my feet, clutching the blanket tightly around me. Nate leaned casually against the cupboard, his eyes tracking my every move.

"I'm going to take a shower; I'm a mess, and I think my hair's got grass in it," I announced, making my way towards the bathroom. Nate's gaze followed me, and to my surprise, he trailed behind.

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