"This is the start
of new beginnings,
there will be a light,
that will shine on us,
tomorrow"Jimins POV
The TV was on when I went out of my room inside my shared apartment with my friend, Jung Hoseok.
I brushed my teeth before going to the kitchen where Hoseok-hyung was seated.
"Ahh finally you're awake, here try this, I'm making a new flavor for tonight's event" he said handing me a glass of liquor he just mixed up.
Hoseok-hyung works at a bar near our apartment complex as a bartender, along with Jungkook, that's why he's making a new mix, the bar hosts aspiring artists to perform every week and during those times the bar gets crowded with people and sometimes staff from agencies looking for new people to cast.
"Aish, this is really good hyung, who's the guests for tonight?" I said handing him the glass back, he has this talent to make any drink taste good, but you should expect a bad hangover the next day.
"Dunno, Jungkook said they're rappers or something, I haven't seen their pictures though" He started fixing the mess he made and placed the glasses on the sink to wash them.
"Ahh arraseo, can I come tonight after my shift?" I asked, I always go to their events so I could also hang out with Jungkook, plus the drinks are on them so it's free.
Hoseok-hyung and Jungkook has been my friends since we were in high school. I used to get bullied, but they helped me cope with it, along with Jin and Taehyung.
"Sure I'll tell Kookie later" He said before going back to his bedroom.
I sat down infront of the TV to watch the daily news before preparing for work.
"The police will still investigate the place where the murder took place, as of now there are no leads or suspects"
There have been a lot of killings happening in the past few months, and sometimes it scares me, especially because the police always doesn't have leads or suspects for the murder, they always ended up dropping the case, this is the third time someone has been killed in four months, and what's even scarier is they don't know if the same person is doing all this, and what their motive is.
I tend to always watch the news before going to work, since I am used to doing so back when I was still living with my parents, plus I'm the only one they count on, I can't just die suddenly.
I stood up and closed the TV before going to the bathroom to take a shower.
"Hoseok-hyung I'll be leaving for work now, I'll see you later!" I yelled while tying my shoes.
"Arraseo! take care Jiminie!" he yelled back at me from his room.
The cold air outside immediately hit my face as I stepped out of the apartment complex, I inhaled before walking towards the cafe.
The "Jin-ie Cafe" which I work in is owned by Jin-hyung, he said the name of the cafe is close to the word genie, so he can make wishes come true, him and his dad jokes aigoo.
As I was walking peacefully a guy hit me making me stumbme and I almost fell, I regained my balance to look at the guy, he was still running not caring that he just hit me.
"Mianhae!" I yelled at him with sarcasm, he barely even looked back so I couldn't see his face.
I was pouting the whole way to the cafe because of that guy, I was really irritated aish.
"Annyeong Jiminie!! Taehyung is late as usual but I can help you with serving" Jin-hyung greeted me with a smile when I arrived, that immediately shifted my mood. I gave him a smile and proceeded to work.
I work as a cashier here, while Taehyung serves the food to customers. That's also why I don't get bored here and enjoy, because I'm with my two bestfriends.
The day went by fast, Tae arrived half an hour after me and helped with serving, while Jin-hyung went out to meet with out supliers.
"Kamsahamnida! please come again" I greeted the customer after giving her order.
Another good thing about the cafe is it's interior design, it's calming because of the pastel colored walls and decorations, plus the customers are loyal, so often times I already know their faces and their orders.
I heard the bell ring indicating that someone walked in, I immediately smiled, ready to greet the customer when I recognized him as the guy who hit me earlier.
He isn't a regular customer so I chose to be professional and smiled at him nonetheless.
"Goodmorning, what's your order" I said smiling but not looking at him.
While he was busy scanning the menu, I was busy checking him out, I couldn't deny the fact that he was handsome.
He was wearing a cap over his blonde hair, he was a bit taller than me probably a centimeter difference, he was also wearing glasses, but what caught my attention was his eyes. He has this eyes that reminded me of a cat, somehow it's cute.
"One iced americano for takeout" he said snapping me out of my thoughts.
"Right a-away sir" did I just stutter in front of him?
This is new to me, I don't do that to other customers even the guy ones, is it because of his eyes or he is just really attractive? and yes, my sexual orientation goes both ways.
I immediately prepared his coffee before putting a cup holder and placing it inside the plastic bag.
"Here you go sir" I said handing him the bag before giving his change.
He turned around ready to leave but he turned around to look at me.
"Mianhae Jiminie" he said with a taunting smirk before going out of the cafe.
wait what?
'Mianhae Jiminie'
I stood there dumbfounded, did he call me Jiminie? I was surprised he said sorry and recorgnized me from earlier, but I was more surprised at the fact that he called me Jiminie, only my friends call my that, since that's my nickname back in high school.
I just continued my day thinking how weird the guy was.
Korean words used:
Annyeong- Hello/Hi
Araseo- Okay/Fine
Hyung- Term used by males to adress an older male
Kamsahamnida- Thank you
Mianhae- I'm sorry(The words aigoo and aish are often used to express feelings e.g. distress or frustration)
Annyeong everyone! chapter one is up, I hope you keep supporting this story I will try to update everyday :)) Thank you!
I would also like to say sorry if I used wrong korean terms, I am still learning and I don't want to offend anyone.

Save Me
FanfictionHe has his hands in the air as he looks deeply in the eyes of the man in front of him, the man he loves. As he was about to give up and finally let go of everything he was holding on to when heard the words he wanted to hear the most for so long. "M...