25 - Lycan

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The brief respite of slumber was abruptly cut short. A sharp sensation jolted me awake as something was swiftly extracted from under the skin of my right arm. Blinking against the harsh light, I caught a glimpse of a syringe, its barrel partly filled with a strange blue liquid, being pulled from my arm by a hand covered in blue gloves.

Before I could orient myself, the nurse in a crisp lab coat had already disposed of the syringe and was walking away briskly. It took a moment for the reality of my situation to sink in. Suspended in mid-air, I slowly realized I was bound by chains, my back against a cold, unyielding wall. Directly in front of me, the serene crystal blue waters of a large round tub shimmered invitingly, a stark contrast to my confinement.

The distant hum of machinery and the clatter of keyboards filled the air, a constant reminder that I was nothing more than a subject in their experiments. These so-called scientists monitored my every reaction, hidden behind their screens, analyzing data that dictated my fate at the moment.

How could I have been so foolish? They were far better prepared than we were. And the Golden Eye - could it be lost because of my reckless courage? I wasn't sure; I wasn't even sure I would make it out alive today.

The consequences of my disastrous plan weighed heavily on me as the haunting images of my fallen comrades flooded my mind. Here I was, bound to a cold, unyielding wall, at the mercy of these malevolent humans whose intentions remained a mystery.

But it was the thought of my babies that plunged me into the deepest despair. "What about my babies?" The question throbbed in my heart, sinking it deep into my chest. This sudden surge of fear triggered the machines around me, causing them to beep loudly as they registered the erratic beating of my heart.

I glanced around again, my gaze piercing through the flurry of activity. Nurses and doctors peeked at me, their fear palpable, a thick scent in the sterile air. I made a silent vow, etching each face into my memory for when I would shatter their security.

With all the power in me, I tried to find the thread that would connect me to Nate. I focused on my thoughts, trying to form at least a word and push it down the channel. I struggled trying to not lose as I was holding into it for dear life. 

Nate... I finally heard the echo of my own voice in my head as I was able to push the word down the channel. I breathed out, trying to make it sound less noticeable of what I had done.

Then, my attention snapped to a tall figure commanding the center of the room. Unlike the others, he was an island of calm in a sea of anxiety, devoid of the fear that clung to his colleagues. Dressed in a stark black military uniform, he stood out, an imposing presence. Our eyes met, and I found myself locked in the gaze of his all-black eyes, a chill running down my spine.

"And she is awake," he announced, his voice slicing through the murmurs and commanding immediate silence. As he stepped into the light, I could see his face in detail. A pierced nose and tattoos snaking out from the collar of his shirt gave him a menacing appearance. He looked more like a drug dealer than a soldier.

"Welcome, Elizabeth Grey... or should I say, Elizabeth Galanis," he said, his steps measured as he approached me.

"Who are you?" I managed, my voice steady despite the whirlwind of emotions.

"My name is Gideon, beauty. You don't know me, and there's no need for you to," he replied, a cryptic smile playing on his lips.

"You look exactly like Athena, god damn," Gideon remarked, now standing directly in front of me. His presence was overwhelming, and as I took in his features more clearly, I realized he was no ordinary human-perhaps a hybrid of some sort.

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