26 - Next Generation

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After the tumultuous incident with Gideon, Alpha Xander took him into his pack, where he was kept under stringent supervision. As decreed by the court, Gideon was confined to the dungeons.

For six long months, he languished in the cell, followed by six gruelling months of laborious work, which Gideon accepted without protest. Additionally, he was ordered to pay millions in reparations to the survivors of Black Mountain and Green Canyon.

Despite his circumstances, Gideon was undeniably capable. His intelligence was evident, but tragically, his parents brainwashed him into believing he was unworthy of anything. I wonder how people are capable of such malevolence.

"Everyone was born to serve their purpose; some had already found it, and others were still in search of it. Gideon was one of the people who was still searching for his one and only true mate. Since he is a lycan descendant, he was walking this earth for quite a while before giving up on his search. But I believe she is there, waiting for him to come. Or maybe she doesn't even expect him, as she doesn't even know who she is," I spoke to Jasmine as both of us sat at the porch one morning.

"Nature is very kind to bastards like him," she remarked, moving her dark curls to the side, revealing the mark on her shoulder.

She found herself in a relationship with the very man who had betrayed her, drawn in by his professions of love - and now Victor was her mate. Despite her initial attempts to hate him, she couldn't deny the purity of her love for him, no matter how hard she tried.

"He made mistakes, but as an adult, he owns up to them. No matter how influential we may think we are, we are all on equal footing in the eyes of a higher power, be it God, nature, or whatever force governs our destinies." I stood up for the man who treated me like prey, but now he's the one locked away.

"Since you mentioned destinies, Xanden met his true mate. You heard?" she asked me. I looked at her a little startled but not surprised since I knew that would happen eventually to all Lycan offspring.

"She is a human isn't she?" I clarified.

"Yes, and she has two sisters," she than glanced at me, "You know where this is going right?"

"We should watch out, I have a feeling Alpah, Alec, and Gideon might be next," I warned.

"In my opinion, Gideon doesn't deserve anyone, and not even time will change that," she spoke and her frustration evident.

"Just remember: with time, everything falls into place. Nature has a way of guiding everything to where it belongs." and it was a fact,

The counsellor meeting during Gideon's trial was not without its own drama. Gideon was convicted on all charges where Alphas and of course counsellor and Mr. Katz where the leaders of it.

The negotiation between the pack required another meeting. But things went south when in a moment of uncontrollable passion, Alex marked Bella, triggering her heat right in the middle of the meeting.

When she arrived, Rosa and I were prepared. Rosa swiftly concocted an herbal bath to suppress Bella's heat, buying the elders at least an hour to organize the mating ritual for the Betas.

"Bloody Bella," Rosa muttered under her breath, "of all possible days, these two decide to mate now." She grumbled as we hurriedly prepared the bath and readied the pack house for their arrival, with only half an hour to spare.

"Finally, I have to agree with you, Rosa. Bella just can't help but talk, and that's exactly why I had to take matters into my own hands," I said as I prepared the bath robes.

"I can't believe how meticulously Alex had orchestrated everything," she mused, as she ran a warm bath and tossed in some vibrant purple flowers.

"It was no surprise to me at all. They had been at odds with each other ever since she became the Beta Female. It was like a spring that had been stretched taut for too long, and finally, it just snapped," I told my friend as I left the bathroom to get Alex's room ready.

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