Chapter 2 (continued)

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I turn to where the scream came from. There's a group of kids crowded around a classroom door.

"Let's see what's going on, shall we?" Richie laughs & squeezes through the crowd. I follow him & stand in the third row of people. I stand on my tippy toes & see a girl swaying side to side in the classroom. Holy shit, is that Beverly? I push my way through the crowd, elbowing everyone in my way.

"Eds, wait up!" Richie yells from behind me. I make my way to the front of the crowd just in time to see her drop a handful of blood filled tissues. Her eyes roll to the back of her head & she falls backward onto the floor. The crowd of kids are laughing hysterically, the teacher comes from the backroom & stares at the girl passed out on his floor. Richie starts talking to one of the kids in the crowd before the crowd disperses.

"Mr. Tozier close the classroom door!" He says leaning down & putting her head on his knee. Richie closes the door & I point at the tissue box. He tosses it at me & I wadd up two tissues. The teacher shoves the wadded tissues in her nose & looks at me & Richie, who are crouched next to her side.

"What happened?" He asks cleaning her bloodied hands off with tissues. I look at Richie & shrug. I wasn't there for when she got the bloody nose, I just heard Greta screaming.

"Greta Bowie tripped her & she banged her nose on the floor." I look at Richie, how did he know that.

"I asked one of the kids in the hallway" He says, reading my mind.

"Are you two her friends?" the teacher asks. I nod quickly before Richie answers.

"Yeah Beverly is a good friend of ours" I say quickly & Richie looks at me confused as to how I know her name.

"My god, I knew Ms. Bowie & her had some disagreements in the past but I thought it ended last year." The teacher picks up Beverly bridal style & her hand falls from her lap. Richie grabs her backpack as we head to the nurses office.
"Can one of you open the door?" I nod & rush to open the door. The hallway is empty, I'm guessing the bell rang already. But what confuses me is that yes, it was a bad nose bleed but not bad enough for her to pass out over loss of blood. I scan through my head to try to find a reason why she could have fainted. Richie opens the staircase doors & we walk down the stairs in silence till I break it.

"I don't understand, why did she pass out? She didn't lose enough blood to have passed out from that" the teacher looks at me as Richie opens the staircase doors & we head to the nurses office.

"She has a logical fear of blood." The teacher says as we walk into the nurses office. He puts her down on the cot, then grabs a pink slip from the nurses desk. He writes on two pink slips as the nurse walks into her office & stares at the passed out girl.

"What on earth happened?" She says rearranging Beverly so she isn't hanging off the cot.

"Greta Bowie tripped her & she got a bloody nose" I answer fast. The teacher hands me & Richie two hall passes.

"Ms. Harper, I am going to go bring Greta to the principal's office, in the meantime call Ms. Marsh's father & see if he can pick her up." The nurse nods as the teacher leaves.

"Can one of you boys clean her dress off while I send the janitor to her last class?" I nod as she walks out of her office. I stand up & grab paper towels from the sink next to the nurses desk.

"You're not seriously gonna clean off her dress are you?" Richie asks. I raise an eyebrow at him & wet the paper towels.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I ask walking over to the unconscious redhead.

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