Burnt Spaghetti and Horsey Propoganda

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Cooking definitely wasn't in my list of talents. Sure I could mix horse feeds to the correct millimetre, but staring at my attempt of spaghetti Bolognese, I decided then and there that I wasn't going to be a chef for human food as my career. Ever.
Charlie, our Border Collie, came up and sniffed the food idly. Usually she would eat anything and everything, but all's she did was sneeze at my food and trot away.
"Thanks for that boost of self esteem" I muttered as the food went into the bin and I started on a sandwich. Something I could actually manage.
I decided to check my emails and Facebook for anything interesting, but nothing really came up. It was all airy fairy talk about my Facebook friends latest boyfriend or whatever. As I idly scrolled through my gmail account, those ads came popping onto the sides. They always reflected what I had been searching under my account, and this time it was a whole lot about random courses for Uni or Tafe. I had been searching through some earlier trying to find a career I was interested in, but none really showed up. I had always had a passion for animals, in particular horses, as reflected by my room which was plastered with horsey propaganda. I had considered to be an equine vet, but I wasn't great with medicine. Or the study that goes with it.
Suddenly, a video ad started playing to the side if the screen. Capturing my attention with the horse on it (not that hard to get my attention) I moved my mouse across the screen and selected it.
The video flicked up images of what looked like a ranch or academy with horse arenas and so forth. Intrigued, I continued watching. It was advertising a horsemanship program that ran in the summer holidays and into school months, from January to May.
It looked perfect, and I let it redirect me to its website. 'Inkheart Stables Horsemanship Program' the title read. The program included accommodation, riding lessons, and school lessons. I smiled to myself, it was perfect!

"Ally, have you done the dishes from this morning?" My mother called from downstairs, snapping me out of my reverie. Shoot, I had forgotten to do that.

"Coming Mum!" I replied, images of the horse program still in my head.

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