Chapter 1

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Author's note: So this might be a bit out there, but Joe Mazello x John Deacon. For those who don't know Joe is that actor that played John in the movie. Will be posting to A03 as well, hope you enjoy!

Joe was drunk on the thought that it was all over, the movie, the press and now the awards. It was actually over and he was separating from this group of people that had truly begun to feel like family to him. Regrets lingered that he had gone through so much and he had never even got to meet the mysterious John deacon.

He was drunk on booze too, of course. Award ceremonies went hand in hand with celebration and Joe always had a great time with those. What better way to celebrate one last amazing time when him and his amazing group of friends would be all together? It was one of the best things about being an adult actor. If he drank a bit too much, well no one could really tell him what to do now could they?

The bed that he woke up in was tiny and warm, but those characteristics also indicated that he was not in his hotel room. His head pounded with leftover affects from too much alcohol and he didn't even want to open his eyes. Pain radiated from his head and he counted blessings that he was still alive. Definitely not going to be having that fifth drink again any time soon. No matter how amazingly sugary it tasted.

Movement to his left scared him bit, but of course he had company. It had been that kind of black out night after all. He was probably supposed to be the one to sneak out before dawn. Though, that would have been hard to do because he very much feels down for the count. Actually, it feels as though he got in some kind of fight or brawl with the way his body aches.

Joe opened his eyes and automatically regretted it, even the soft morning light from the nearby window made his head spin. He moaned out pathetically and someone was by his side in an instant. His company was apparently very attentive.

"Oh, thank God you woke up Joe. I've been so worried about you for hours now. Should have brought you to the hospital instead of home. You gave me quite the scare, baby."

The voice was almost recognizable to him and definitely male. Joe was comfortable enough with his sexuality that he didn't care about the gender. So, what was said didn't really make sense. He could easily believe he got into a fight but home and baby were scary words. He looked over at the man and eyes went wide open. He had officially lost his mind because this could not be happening.

In front of him stood a tense and young John Deacon, looking just as he did in early Queen days. Not that Joe had ever seen him as an old man, but he even still had the long hair. The original soft working hair that he had started the band with, before even the disco stage. It was Joe's favorite style. So he was definitely still dreaming.

"You're John Deacon." Joe said dumbly with a hurt head and very wide eyes. This had to be a dream, but something kept telling him he wouldn't be aching like this if it was. John looked back at him an alarm. A moment of silence happened between the two of them and Joe wanted to burrow backwards into the blankets and hide in his embarrassment. Way to make a good impression.

"You are scaring me Joe, tell me what's wrong this instance." John's tone was strong and nervous all at once. Joe was jealous at how easily expressive the other man was. How did John even know his name?

"How do you even know my name John? There's no way you could know someone like me, dream or not." Joe had had enough for the conversation and the dream. He was ready to go back and face whatever reality that awaited him. There would be new projects to work on, this was not the time to be fantasying about the man he had played.

He was so lost in thought that he nearly didn't see the other man physically recoil with his words. John looked like he was about to cry and Joe hated that it was his fault. Fuck, Joe was suddenly starting to tear up as well. He was a sympathetic crier and somehow that just made the situation feel worse.

"Joseph, I'm your boyfriend." John was more than a little bit nervous. "You must have been hit harder than I thought. I'll call the hospital and see if we should go in, don't worry too much I'll just say memory loss." He was hyperventilating a bit while speaking and retreating.

Joe was confused and a bit scared, he didn't want to be alone in his dreams. It was that way in real life and now even asleep people were leaving him, Joe teared up a bit and reached out for John like he was a life line.

"No, please don't leave me! I'm sorry I don't remember anything. If you really are my boyfriend then you would stay and take the pain away. Please, I hate being alone." It wasn't his proudest moment to be begging and bargaining to a dream, but none of this was really real. He could be needy and no one would judge him in the morning.

John was on him in an instant, tugging the other man into a close and tight hug. His sore body protested, but his mind told him he might never have been happier than in John Deacon's capable hands. He tried not to notice the strong arms that surrounded him, but it all just felt surreal.

"Don't worry Joe, it doesn't matter. I'm sure everything will come back soon enough and I'll be here to take care of you always." John explained, his last words having lasting echoes through Joe's head.

They smiled at one another sweetly and Joe decided that this was a great dream after all. John carefully tucked him backwards into the bed once more so he wasn't sitting up anymore.

"You're very bruised up and should lay down for at least a few more hours." John insisted, patting Joe lightly on the shoulder in a lingering touch. Almost like he didn't want to let the other man go.

The rockstar pulled the sheets up to Joe's chin, sitting on the bed himself and curled around Joe.  They relaxed quietly for a minute before Joe started fidgeting, he wasn't tired and no matter how nice the cuddle was, they weren't going to put him back to sleep. John tutted at him like he was already used to it.

"Tell me what you do remember then, if you're not even gonna try to sleep." He wasn't annoyed and the love in his tone made Joe's stomach a bit uncomfortable.

"You're John Deacon and are the bassist of Queen. Studied electrical engineer in university, and are a big fan of dancing." Joe tried, not sure what he should actually be saying. What if this dream messed something up?

John frowned like he didn't understand. Joe fought the urge to recoil from that put out, pouted look. Did he do something wrong?

"You know a lot about me but don't know us? Keep trying baby, need some more information from you." The voice was quiet and Joe panicked a bit while trying to think about what to say about himself.

"I am Joe Mazzello. I'm awkward and hyper." That was it. That was all he was and all he wanted to say to this dream.

John only looked more upset. This apparently wasn't going well, it was nice to know that even in his dreams he would make John Deacon uncomfortable.

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