Old Friends

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It was a Saturday afternoon, and I was lying on my couch in my flat, mindlessly scrolling through channels on my Telly, when I saw the breaking news headline.

'Famous Detective, Sherlock Holmes, Commits Suicide.'

I stopped, my hand dropping into my lap. "Woah," was all I could say. I had known him when we were both just teenagers, and I had always thought he was odd. We had.. kinda been friends? Well, really, he was the smart one, and I was the one he ordered around while he solved cases.

Honestly, I had always despised him. All egotistical and snooty, I was glad when we had finally parted ways. I hadn't seen him(face to face atleast) in 8 years. And now..

I shook my head, clearing it of places I dare not venture, and shut off the Telly. I refused to waste another thought on that man.

Even now that he was dead.

~ 2 Years Later ~

I had been staring at myself in the mirror for the past half hour, scrutinizing every detail about my face. I really needed to stop and finish getting ready for my date. But every time I was about to shut the bathroom light off and leave, I would notice something else I didn't like and attempt to fix it.

'Stop it, Summer,' I thought. 'If David doesn't like how you look, then that's his problem.'

I forced myself to not think about it further, and left the bathroom. I pulled my high heels on and scrunched my long, curly blonde hair a bit with my hands. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed my purse and left my flat, making sure to lock the door behind me.

After flagging a taxi, I climbed into the car and told the driver where to take me.

"On your way to a date, miss?" I noted his Irish accent.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Yes," I replied, slightly sarcastic. "How did you guess?"

He laughed along with me. "I have a knack for those kinds of things."

The rest of the car ride was silent, and when we arrived, I thanked and payed the cabbie, then entered the restaurant where I was to meet my date. It was far too fancy for me, but David had insisted on taking me here. This would be our second date, and I had to admit, he was a pretty great bloke. He was quite the gentleman and had a great sense of humor. It wasn't hard for me to picture a future for us. But, then again, it had never been hard with past boyfriends, and those, needless to say, hadn't ended well.

I pushed the negative thoughts away and pulled out my phone, texting David.
'Here. Which table are you at?"

He responded almost instantly. 'Number 15, you should be able to see it from the entrance :)'

I looked up from my phone and searched, finally spotting him. I made my way up to the table and he smiled when he saw me, his eyes lighting up.

"Summer Abbington," he greeted, and I sat down. "You look beautiful."

I smiled, feeling my cheeks turn slightly red. "Thank you," I replied, then looked at him properly. He wore a simple suit and tie, his short brown hair slicked to the side, and his blue eyes were shining. "You don't look half-bad yourself."

"You know, for someone who thought this place was too fancy for them, you managed to dress perfectly for it."

Just then, a waiter came up to us and asked what kind of drink we wanted. I wasn't much of a drinker, so I just asked for water, while David ordered some regular red wine.

"So," David began as we sipped our drinks. "How's the photography business coming along?"

"Really well, actually. I have at least 3 clients, this week alone."

He smiled widely, taking another sip of his wine. "That's brilliant! I'm really happy for you."

Honestly, how could I ever think that something would ruin this relationship? David was everything I looked for in a man. Generous, supporting, funny, and sweet. Not to mention, very attractive. I grinned and was about to thank him when the sound of glass breaking and scuffling drew my attention away.

A few tables away, a small, middle aged man with short sandy gray hair and a mustache was attacking a tall, slender waiter with dark curly hair.


I would recognize that dark curly hair anywhere. When a couple workers hurried over and pulled the shorter man off the taller man, I stood abruptly, my heart stopping. The tall man slowly stood, brushing himself off, and I got a good look at his face.

The face of an old friend.

The face of a dead man.

Sherlock Holmes.

A/N okay, I know the chapter is really short, but I promise they'll get longer soon. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed it!

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