Part 1: Durandal and the 2nd Divine Key

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Eve of the Arc City event, Schicksal Vimur Labs, North Africa. It was once a modern city bridging the European and African continents. A sleepless Mediterranean metropolis with sublime views. It only took a Honkai eruption to turn it into a wasteland of death and desertion. — Which makes it a perfect site for a Schicksal base. "Attention all personal, the 42nd activation of the 2nd Divine Key is commencing in 5 mins." As a blaring alarm killed the silence, the countdown echoed in every corner of the dead city. The instant the countdown hit zero, a low bellow sounded at the city center, stirring up every grain of sand.

An enormous light pillar shot up and split the world in two. The beam sores high and into the clouds. As if a massive mirror, in the sky was shattered by the light and burst into a billion shards falling down. And behind the broken mirror loomed a space of chaos, accompanied by obscured and ominous stars overlooking the city. "Divine Key activated. Entering Phase 1. Energy output stabilized. Wetting layer confirmed." From the chasm, hundreds of shadows seeped through the chaos and escaped to dive towards the ground. As they glided through the sky, time and space seemed to shudder and shiver.

Meanwhile at a city corner and beneath the disturbed sky, a blonde Valkyrie was taking in everything with cold eyes. It was the strongest S-rank Valkyrie Durandal. Her real name is Bianca. Instead of wearing her usual battlesuit, Bright Knight: Moonsoul/Bright Knight: Excelsis. She was in her other battlesuit, Valkyrie Gloria. And instead of having the Divine Key, Abyss Flower. She had a different lance, Eos Gloria.

"Quantum Shadows are invading now, Durandal-sama. We need your help." Said the comms. "Roger." Said Durandal. With a brisk reply, Durandal immediately threw herself into the action. "A horde of Quantum Shadows are approaching. Get ready for attack." Said the comms. "Roger." Said Durandal as she engaged the Quantum Shadows. Since she was the strongest Valkyrie of Schicksal, it didn't take for her to destroy them all.

"Target eradicated." Said Durandal. "Coordinates updated. Please head to the next location." Said the Comms. Doing as told she jumped to another area. "Divine Key charging threshold reached. Quantum plane breached. Entering Phase 2 and starting coordinates. Durandal-sama, Phase 2 is imminent. Please await further instructions."

Having gone through the test for dozens of times, Durandal knew the ins and outs like the palm of her hand. "..." Underneath the city, 10 Hyperion class Honkai energy reactors were running at maximum capacity. Fueled by these reactors, the 2nd Divine Key would "rend" space and open up a tunnel leading to the Sea of Quanta. At this level, Quantum shadows started to emerge due to the unstable quantum plane. Hence Durandal's duty to stand by for any invading shadows and ensure the safe running of the Divine Key. But the experiment would not stop at the Sea of Quanta. With higher intensity, the Divine Key would reach its power threshold and take the experiment into phase 2. And the tunnel would breach the Sea of Quanta and warp into a space even deeper and more unpredictable. Where the laws governing universes and the ultimate truth of life were held. The Imaginary Tree.

Durandal got to the coordinates she was ordered to go to. "Quantum Shadows still emerging. Please proceed with extermination. Durandal-sama." Durandal took out the next wave of Quantum Shadows in a matter of seconds.

Meanwhile at Schicksal HQ: "..." In the lab, Otto's eyes flickered as the data on the screen refreshed at dizzying speed. Real-time data were flooding in from the North Africa base, updating everything about the Divine Key. This lab was equipped with the most advanced solum computer. Still, it's like finding a needle in a haystack to mine useful info from the ocean of data. "Divine Key power insufficient. Tunnel shutting down. Countdown 5, 4..." Due to the Divine Key's extreme energy hunger, he was only allowed no more than a few glimpses every time. Every millisecond counted. "3, 2, 1. Tunnel shut down. Experiment terminated." The data torrent was brought to an abrupt halt, and Otto stood tall in front of the screen awaiting results. A world of costly resources in exchange for a string of numbers. A string that he had sought after till this moment. A string that was still kept from him even this time.

"Observation results generated. Total nodes observed: 1,8694,000. Deviation from target node: 54." "...Not much of a progress." Otto's voice gave no hint of frustration. He knew very well it's a long shot. The short observation was like scooping out water from a vast ocean. His calculations told him the tunnel had to be kept open for at least 80,000 hours to give him the answer. The likes of bubble universes were just child's play compared what he was seeking. Bringing Kallen Kaslana back from the dead. He was more compelled to speed things up and drive the Divine Key in a more efficient way. It's the only chance to fulfill his 500 year lifelong wish before Honkai wipe out humanity. And that was bringing Kallen back to life. "The HoV, is a must, he decided." Said Otto.

Back to Durandal: The Valkyrie took care of the last Quantum Shadows. "All Quantum Shadows cleared. HQ sent word. The experiment is over. Durandal-sama, please report back to HQ." Said the Comms. "Roger that." Said Durandal.

Meanwhile in the Vimur Lab 1km below ground, it's busy and bustling picture. Functions shut down, instruments reset, site being cleared... The logistics staff were just getting started. Dedicated to the 2nd Divine Key research, this facility could withstand any natural hazard from above ground. It sounds absurd, but the lab was protected by one Valkyrie only, and that's more than enough. Right now, this Valkyrie was in her private quarter, looking stern. She had just received Rita's message.

"Durandal-sama, Immortal Blades were ambushed in Arc City and World Serpent is behind Heliopolis. I will first investigate Heliopolis due to the threat it poses to Schicksal. I have received no response from HQ yet. So please ask for reinforcements for me if you receive this message. I appreciate your assistance. We have also located HoV and HoD. She posses human consciousness and her condition is stable. As for the boy, he's in stable condition too. He also has the Dragon Divine Keys with him he got from the Guardian Dragon Toriyama making him more stronger and more powerful."

"Rita?" She was reading a report from Arc City on the Moon Hunt op handled by her deputy Rita Rossweisse. "..." Schicksal's best Valkyrie stood up quietly and left her room. She was going to Arc City to assist Rita.

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