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Its been one year since Tord has died. Thomas fortunately has new friends to keep him company. Tom still thinks about Tord and still feels depressed sometimes, but Edd andMatt always comfort him. Tom moved in with Edd and Matt; Tom also got a job at a cafe that had just opened a few months ago...

Tom's POV

MhmmMm... I yawn and stretch. I press the top of my digital alarm clock so it wouldn't keep making that annoying sound. Time to get ready for work.. I pick up my work clothes from my dresser and change into them. I ruffle my hair and put in some of my piercings. Decent. I thought. I decide to skip breakfast since I didn't have much time to get to work this time. It doesn't take me that long to get there, but I woke up late on accident. I grab my bag and slip into my checkered vans before walking out the door. As I open the door I hear a 'crunching' sound. I look down to see to my surprise a pink and purple flower crown. Huh.. reminds me of Starboy.. I tried to not think of him, but it was even harder not to now. " Heh, some kid must have left this here.. strange." I pick up the flower crown shoving it into my bag hoping that nobody would notice. Who am I kidding? It's like six forty in the morning.. Jesus Thomas. I ignore my nonsense and head to my car so I can drive to work.


I arrive at the cafe. Shiit don't see me- I sneak in so I don't look late. My boss of course sees me sneaking. " Tom, I didn't notice you. Did you just get here?" He asks me. " U-Uh.." I just stood there having trouble with my words. Plus, I couldn't just lie to him! He probably already knows anyways. " Ugh.. just get to work idiot. Five minutes until we open." I nod and head to the kitchen. Although I really didn't care I could feel everybody in the room staring at me and judging. Oh god.. just ignore them Thomas. Ignore all negative thoughts.. I sigh and start to wipe down the counters.


I can't wait for my break. I really need to call Edd and tell him about what happened earlier today.. My boss asked me to take out the trash so I did, but when I went outside I accidentally bumped into another one of my co-workers. " Oh- I'm so sorry!" I get up and lend a hand. " No,no it's fine! I should have watched were I was going.." Before she left I looked her up and down. She was wearing a pink sweater under her apron and a choker. Oh god exactly how Tord dressed.. I almost started to cry but I told myself to calm down. I looked at the clock as I came in to wash my hands and saw the time. Yes! I can talk to Edd now.. Damn that took long. I took my bag and searched for my phone. I decided to sit outside on a bench at the park right next to where I work. " Hey Edd!" " Hey Tom, hows it going?" Me and Edd chatted for awhile. Of course I told him about what happened. " So basically there was a flower crown something like Tord would wear, and one of your co-workers was wearing again something that Tord would wear?" Edd clarified. " Yep.." I replied. " Well Tom if I were you I would tried not to worry about it. The flower crown was probably accidentally left there and your co-worker probably just likes pink." I thought for a bit.. " Yeah I guess Edd, anyways I gotta go see you later." " Bye bud!" I hung up. God maybe I am crazy!.. 


" Okay just one more customer then it's closing time." A co-worked reminded me. I nodded and got ready. " Hello welcome to Suagr and Spice Cafe! What can I get you?." The guy ordering was wearing a pink hoodie with the hood up, a choker or two, and some light blue denim jeans with converses. Oh my god- I started to freak out. You couldn't exactly tell because of the hoodie but the boy had one red eye and one grey eye. Only Tord- Holy shit! This can't be.. no way.. I start to become super nervous and scared. Is that really him? " Coming right up! Thomas we need a" I just nod while my co-worker talks. I am listening, but its just.. " Thomas?!" The cashier yells. " AH- Right on it!" I shake my head. I keep thinking, but no..  I make the drink and the others clean up around me. " Here," I pass the drink to the cashier. " Here you go sir! Enjoy." The guy sits at a table playing on his phone while he sips his drink. " Alright Thomas you can go now." My boss said. I Ignore him expect for the 'leaving part. I grab my bag and walk over to the boy sitting all by himself. " H-Hi can I sit here?" He nods. " Hi I'm Thomas- or Tom! What's your name?" I ask nervously. The boy laughs and of course Im confused. " Kittyboy, why are you playing this silly game? It's me Starboy silly!" The boy responds. I start to tear up as he reveals himself by taking down his hood. " Starboy?.." I choke out. I can't believe this.. " Come here kittyboy," Tord grabs my wrist and leads me to the park. 


" Sta- Tord! Is this a dream?! How is this even possible?" I question every being until Tord stops me. " Kittyboy I need you to listen." I nod back. Tord takes a step back and tells me to stay. He then opens these beautiful angelic wings and a halo just floating about his head. " God sent me here Kittyboy. He gave me another chance at life, but I need you to do something.. I promise I will stay if you do this one thing." Starboy hugs me his angel wings wrapping around me. I hug back in return and kiss his forehead. " Y-Yes?" " I need you to be happy for me Thomas." I was surprise he had never used my real name unless an emergency.. only nicknames. " I need you to just be happy. For me and for your sake." I start to sob and cry even more. 

" I love you Kittyboy."

" I love you too starboy." 


It's been a few weeks since I've seen Tord. I told Edd about this, he didn't believe me of course. I didn't care though, because I knew that was real. I wasn't crazy.. I know it. Tord's alive and he just needs me to break him free. I've been trying real hard for him. Even if he doesn't come back.. I just know he's safe up there now in the stars smiling down at me everyday.. " Hey boss." I waved. " Oh Tom! Guess what? You've got a new partner now! His name is Tord he's new here so be nice to him." " Uh hi!" He smiled. Tord?! I cried and straight up ran right up to him and hugged him. " THOMAS! Put him down, what the heck!?.." I didn't care Tord was here for good.. He did come back and that's all that matters. " I missed you Tordy, I didn't think you'd come back!" I sniffled. " Of course I would leave you silly! I never break a promise." Tord whispered. He pulled away from the hug wiping my tears. " Don't worry Kittyboy I'm here now to stay." " Promise?" " Promise.." We hugged again until our boss yelled at us and we could hear co-workers laughing at us in the background. " would you two stop with all the crying and get to work?!" He stood looking down at us. " Sorry sir!" I said helping Tord up. " Ugh you better be.." 

The end! I hope you enjoyed my alternative version of.. Dear StarBoy!  I was thinking of also making a part two where Edd Matt meet tordle! Anyways bye my children stay safe 💕💖💞 hope you enjoyed :3

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