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"Run... run! We have to run, right now!"

Your lungs burned as you weaved through the halls of the building you had broken into. The rampage of stomping behind you and your fellow comrades mixing with the pursuit of the enemies. Skidding on your heels you fled into a computer lab. Screens lit up and alive, humming and buzzing as green code flew across the screens- courtesy of the hacker you knew so well. Databases being wiped and blueprints of any possible harm onto the Great Forests vanishing by the second.

"Stay where you are!" A masked guard screamed when he caught sight of you. Grabbing the nearest computer chair, you hurled it in a fit of adrenaline panic, flinging it with a war-cry and throwing it out the closest window at your back. Making your escape out of the broken glass exit, the guard had nowhere near the physique to follow your chosen escape route.

Your escape was ill-planned, of course, but you didn't plan for yourself to be skidding, nearly tumbling, down a steep muddy hill. The facility was located near a cliffside, you should've known better. You groaned as your tumbling was halted by you clutching onto a weak, bent tree trunk. You heard commotion growing louder by the moment as the echoed murmur of your group escaped- probably out of better locations that you chose. You hoped they all left unharmed and uncaptured.

You soon made it down the hill covered in mud and immediately turned to run once again when a group of guards with flashlights caught sight of you. Cursing under your breath, you ran towards the river that ran below the facility. The river ran until it fell over the edge of the cliff and into the deep forest. It seemed like your group thought the same idea as you met with members you had led into this botched heist.

You stopped them, knowing full well that the river direction they were headed was a dead end to the cliff.

"Head back upstream!" You yelled over the rushing waves. They whipped their heads back and forth in panicked decision making. "Get going!" You waved them off with glove covered fingers. They were soon fleeing up the stream, away from the cliff. You heard the shouting of the guards before your foot slipped in the riverbank mud in a quick action of what was going to be more running. Falling into the water with a splash silenced by the rushing water and marching of the enemy.

The rush of the waves kept you under. Unable to break the surface to gulp for air, the water soaked your clothes making them weights that kept you down. Your feet lost their shoes as your toes scraped and tore at the rock and mud-covered riverbed. Clawing at the surface with your fingertips in useless strokes, your back slammed into a rock that satin the center in the river way.

Knocking what little air you had left out of your lungs, bubbles burst from your mouth as your eyes flew open. Burning at the cold water, your water-filled vision blurred further as the back of your head connected with the rock after your back. Eyes rolling up and eyelids falling, your body fell limp and your struggles to fight back against nature ceased.

The river carrying you further and further and eventually over the waves of the cliff, falling with the waterfall into the Deep Pacifitera Forest.

"Y/n! What are you doing now?" You were typing away at your desk changing back and forth between the writing document and tabs on your browser. Your brother, Changkyun, peering over your shoulder. His eyes scanned the lines of your document anytime you wanted to add more words. He wasn't shocked to see you writing more about the forests.

For as long as he could remember, you had been fascinated of the deep forests; a fascination that also pricked at Changkyun growing up as well. You both had a passion for the forests and their origin. Not to mention all the rumors and fairy tales of what may or may not be inside of them. So much of the world was covered in the forests, but hardly anything was known about what lay in them.

Oberon: King of Fae and the Seven Deep ForestsWhere stories live. Discover now