Wolve are cute

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I start to per his ears he growls and nips at my hand. He jumps of the bed and runs over to his closet. He jumps up and then runs around the room.

I can see all of the scars all over his body. I cant believe his own parents did that to him. I hear my phone buzz.

Theres a video with him in it. The person who sent it said watch with your wolf.  I call him over and start the video.

Bold= Solis
Italic= Ally

What did you tell him about the scars

The usual lie

I dont k how the usual lie

That all my scars are from my parents when I actually did them to myself If I tell the truth I get sent to a psychiatrist

Does he know your trans

Werewolf teams doesnt count and I'm fully changed. You dont truly have a gender until your seven thats when your dominance shows. I had female parts but male dominance.

End of video

I feel him pull away and run off. I hope hes okay. He lied for his own saftey. Hes still so cute. He starts ripping up his pillow. I just realized all of his piercing dissapeared as a wolf.

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