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"Hey... Iida, is your brother alright?" Midoriya asked, as he placed an iced tea on the table. The students had already decided where they wanted to go for their internships, but there was some news that Tensei had been attacked by Stain, though for some reason, Tensei had been left relatively unharmed.

"He's fine, for the most part." Iida scratched his head, "I visited him. He said that Stain just... paralysed him, said something about him being a good hero and not wanting to harm him, and ran off, saying that the paralysis would wear off soon."

"I mean... that's good, right? You're interning with him, right?" Midoriya grinned, as he served some other customers.

"That is good. I'm just worried that Stain might come back and finish the job." Iida muttered, as Midoriya just shrugged, "Nah. I think he'll be fine. If the Hero Killer let him go once, why bother chasing after him if he could have killed him the first time?"

"You seem awfully casual, talking about people being killed." Shinsou spoke up, looking up from his english homework to butt into the conversation. Midoriya sighed, glancing at his hands briefly, before he turned to go back to the counter. He grabbed himself a drink, before settling down in the seat between Todoroki and Shinsou, "I mean... the world is a crual place. People are getting killed all the time. If you're just going to keep worrying about it... you'll never get anything done."

"True." Todoroki muttered, staring at a picture of Kamihara, as he glanced at Shoji who was right across the table, before swiping to a picture of Tatsuma. Shoji did seem slightly put off, but didn't say anything as he scribbled down another answer for his math homework.

Midoriya just sighed, and leaned back into his chair, bringing up his phone to text Dabi.

"You going to come out, or are you going to continue hiding in the back room?"

His phone beeped.

"You know how I feel about talking to him. I can't face him yet."

Midoriya just rolled his eyes.

"He's not going to kill you, you know. He probably misses you."

Dabi quickly sent a reply.

"I was a coward for running away from home. I told you, I'll talk to him when I'm ready, but not now."

Midoriya sighed again, as Shinsou peered over his shoulder to look at his phone curiously, "Who's that? Girlfriend?"

"Nah. I'm not dating anyone." Midoriya dryly laughed, "Like anyone would want to date someone like me. I'm just texting Dabi."

"Speaking of Dabi... where is he?" Ashido asked, "Like... he's usually around, but ever since Todoroki joined us whenever we come, he just... ups and disappears."

"I mean... it was only the last two times." Uraraka piped up, "Maybe he just has a stomach ache."

"I agree. It is odd. But there isn't enough evidence." Todoroki replied, "Unlike this. Shoji."

"Yes?" Shoji asked, at the mention of his name, as Todoroki flipped his phone around, "Are you Edgeshot and Ryukyu's secret love child?"

Shoji just blinked, and blinked again, before Kaminari, Sero and Ashido burst into laughter.

"What is wrong with you, IcyHot?!" Bakugou snarled, being wary not to swear since Eri and Kota were sitting at the table; Eri was seated between Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu, as Kota was looking at what Kaminari was doing.

"Look at their hairstyles." Todoroki pointed out, "Hair covering the right side of the face, and Ryukyu and Edgeshoy have been seen together on several occasions."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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