Seven - Franny

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chapter song - see you again by tyler, the creator

chapter song - see you again by tyler, the creator

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I'm not drunk.

    Well, to be fair, that statement is slightly questionable.

    When Tally somehow convinced me that going out tonight would be a good idea, I truly didn't expect her to grab the largest bottle of tequila she could find in the store and wave it at me. It was only when I kindly reminded her how expensive the litre bottle of tequila was that she went for a more modest option.

    But then that brought about questions of whether or not this would be enough to get us drunk and, what if we go out next week, isn't it easy to just get all the alcohol now? I was seconds away from pouring the rancid drink on her head but instead we compromised with a bottle of tequila and a few other smaller mixers.

    Now, tequila has never been my best friend.

    I went through a phase in university where I drank it for the first time - lime, salt and everything. I don't quite think I realized how many I'd had because I was growing hungry and my stomach seemed to accept lime and salt as an acceptable dinner. However, the next morning on the way home, I threw up in a garbage can at 9am outside a subway terminal. Since then, the taste of lime mixed with alcohol has made me run for the bathroom.

    Today was not the day I expected to face my one true nemesis all over again.

    Of course out of everyone, Tally would be the one who actually enjoys drinking the liquid of hell.

    We had decided to pre-drink in my apartment and after a couple shots, I was ready to crawl back into bed and hug Fig until the alcohol seeped out of my bloodstream.

    It was only until now, standing outside of the club, that I realize how very real this is. I haven't gone out in ages. I think the last time I found myself drinking with other people and heading out dressed up must have been months ago. There was that one shitty tinder date and then there was that time I went out with a couple people I had briefly been friends with.

    But things haven't been able to stick lately.

    I haven't always been the best at making friends but over the last few years, my ability to keep them has waned even further than usual. For a while, I was convinced it was them. Now, I think the sad reality has hit that it is actually just me.

    But yes, I'm completely not drunk.

    Just slightly, maybe, a little bit tipsy.

    It might have been a while since I've been out, but compared to lightweights like Tally, I can hold my alcohol. I think. Usually. Oh God, this night is going to be a disaster.

    Currently, the club isn't too overwhelming. It's one of those that isn't filled with overzealous university students and also isn't concerned with fifty year olds throwing their bottle service booth at you. But fuck, is it dark. The only way I can keep track of Tally is by literally grabbing onto the back of her shirt as we wade through the many people occupying the floor.

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