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Third Person POV

            After hearing that Beam is getting married Forth is frustrated. As soon as he came out of room he takes his phone and called Beam,but he is not picking up his call,

"Pick up pick up Beam" Forth repeats those words. but there was no response from another side.

Forth's friends are also tensed. They were also worried.

"Forth calm down" said Park.

"How can I ? I dont know whether his father threatens him to do this?" Forth replied angrily.

"There is no way his father will threaten we know how he loves him" said Lam.

"But ...things that happened inside the office..." said Forth his words were cut off

"Wait why should his father say it infront of us?" Asked Tul giving hint to others.

"Yes we know that he is type who wont share personal information infront of others." Said Lam

"I am sure he is planning something" said Tul everyone nodded and finding situation fishy.

Forth trying to call Beam but no answer

       It's been 2 days he's been trying to call Beam but later is not picking up his call, now Forth become person who is physically present and mentally absent he cant even concentrate on his works.

"Didnt Beam call you yet? " asked Max for which Forth shakes his head sadly.

Suddenly his Phone rings its shows Caller Id Love 💞. Forth feels like his life is back.

Beam are you fine? is everything ok ? what happened ?why didnt you pick up calls? Forth bombarding him with questions.

Forth wait wait tell me speak  Hmmm....Forth dad wants to see you

What ?

Can you come to my house ?

Is something wrong ?

Come as soon as you can I will send you address.

Without waiting for Forth's reply Beam hang up his phone.

"What happened ?" asked his friends

"Beam wants me to see his dad" Forth replied confusely. He has no idea why his father is calling,did he knows about them?

"will you ok, shall we join you" asked his friends worrying about their friend

"No I will go "

Forth enters the house he saw all members including Beam. Beam sitting near his father looking at Forth without any expression. Forth waved at everyone

"So Forth Jatarupoom you love my son ?" asked Ben coldly.

"Yes sir" Forth replied confidently as he is ready to fight for his love.

"How long ?"

"Almost 4 years"

"Why ?"


"I asked Why you love my son ?" Ben repeats the question Forth is that he is thinking that he is loves Beam for money or to be become Idol"

"He is caring, loving,understanding....before Forth finishes his sentence Ben interrupt him

"So not to become an idol " chuckled evily.

"NO I loved him before knowing he is your son"

"So you think you are perfect for him"

"Sir I may have flaws but he was the one I love and I was the one he loves wholeheartedly"

"So you are saying he cant love anyone other than you"

"Yes sir" replied Forth confidently he knows how much Beam loves him.

"Then what about you?" Ben asked smirking.

"Sir,You may think that I loved him to became an idol but you are wrong, I dont want to be an idol, I became an idol for him, he stoled my heart long time ago, even if he wants to leave me I wont, I will love him until my last breath."said Forth sincerely. Beam teared up after hearing Forth's words.

"Then I will accept your relationship"

"Huh"due to shock Forth started stammer.

"Haha" everyone started laugh loudly including Beam. Forth was looking confusely at everyone.

"It's to see your sincerity, for my little one" said Ann.


"Little one will do if dad ask something for you ?"

"Sure dad " said confidently.

"Do you remember uncle james ?"

"Yes dad"

"He wants you to marry his daughter" Beam was shocked he put down the spoon he was holding.

"I know you wont reject my request so I  gave my words that my son will marry her" said Ben looking Beam's eye.

"Dad....I.." Beam dont know what do say.


"I love someone" said Beam he knows if he doesnt reveal now his father surely makes him to marry. He knows that his father hates lying.

"Who ?" asked Mike.

"I love Forth member of gear boy. We are in relationship for 4 years, dad please..." before he complete the words

"We know " said Ann

"Huh ?" Beam dumbfounded

"We want it hear from your mouth" said Mook.

"How?" Beam asked confusely.

"Remember one day you dropped Forth infront office I saw you kissing inside car" Beam thinking hard then he remember one day he dropped Forth because he is late for work.

"You want to hide it from us" Aom asked.

"No I feared you wont accept him" Beam said sadly.

"If he loves you truly I will accept him" said Ben. Beam's face lit up.

"He loves me so much please dad I want to be with him" asked Beam using his puppy eyes.

"Hmm i will accept but you have to do something for me"

"What dad ?"

"Give me your phone " Beam handed his phone.

"Dont speak to him for 2 days" said Ben. Eventhough Beam worried about Forth he agreed to Ben because he wants his Family to accept their relationship.

"Yes dad"



It's all plan.........

Next chapter is how Forth is welcomed by Beam's family.😜😜😜

Hope you guys like the story. Do vote and comment.🥰🥰

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