Chapter 6

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Chapter V Darkseid 

The heroes which consisted of Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Phantom, Flash, Green Lantern, Shazam and Cyborg stared at Darkseid getting into fighting stances should the tyrant try anything 

"stand back and peep the light show, Green Lanterns got this" said Hal confidently as he glowed brighter and charged at Darksied but was back handed into a building before he could land a blow

"parademons, dispose of these annoyances" commanded Darksied as his army of parademons charged at the united heroes charged at the heroes who fought off the army with ease but no matter how many they took out they just kept coming 

Green Lantern got up before shaking his head and looked at Darksied "that all you got because that's not all I got" he constructed a train and charged at the tyrant  hoping to ram it into his legs but the train didn't have any affect on him and just broke apart sending the emerald knight tumbling

Darksied had had enough of the puny Lantern and charged his beams to end him but before he could fire Superman threw two punches before he grabbed his face and threw the man of steel to the ground infront of Phantom who turned around to help him up after punching a parademon away 

"I take it back, this guy is really tuff" that impact actually hurt

"lets find out how tuff" said Phantom as his fists glowed and charged at the tyrant, once he was close enough he uppercutted him before throwing a kick to the head, then he put both his hand together and blasted him in the face at point blank rang, Darkseid suddenly grabbed him and threw onto the street making cracks form from the impact, Phantom groaned as he struggled to get up "ok that was different" he shook his head slowly standing up his eyes shot as he heard Green Lantern yell in pain, he turned to see Darkseid holding the space cop by the arm before throwing him at the group luckily Phantom caught him before he could hit the ground and laid him down gently

That's when he noticed that he was holding his right arm 'Darkseid must've broken it' he thought as he watched Wonder Woman trying to cut him down with her sword only to be punched away but Superman caught her and set her down gently before charging back at the space tyrant 

"is that your boyfriend?" asked Shazam making the daughter of Zeus look at him "no"

"cool watch this" he said as he flew at Darkseid "hey black hearts of death or whatever your world of war crafts name is suck on this" he threw a bolt of lightning at the tyrant but he just stood there looking at the lighting bolt hitting his before looking at Shazam and firing his eye beams at him blasting him away 

"now what?" asked Cyborg after he and Batman noticed Shazam hit the ground

"now" Darkseids voice caught their attention, the looked and saw that the tyrant had glowing red energy around his raised arms "you all die" he the hit the ground causing a shockwave taking out everything in a 10 mile radius

After the explosion died down the smoke cleared to reveal a green shield that Phantom made to protect them he let the shield down as he started at Darksied with wide eyes 'this guy is really starting to scare me' he and the older heroes blinked when they saw his eyes glow, jumped to the side as his omega beams shot at them, they continued after Superman and Flash as they ran form them

"their splitting up they can do that?" he asked as he and Superman ran away from them

"their locked on us" realized Superman 

"come on Berry your moving fast so think fast" said Berry as he ran around some parked cars that the beam destroyed as it kept following him, turned a corner and saw some parademons chasing some civilians he got an idea but before he could carry it out the demons started exploding, the scarlet speedster raised an eyebrow at this before he Phantom phasing through the creatures destroying them as he went through them, Flashes eyes widened when he saw the ghost boy flying straight at him before could stop or say anything Phantom phased through him making a shiver go up his spine, he slid to a halt as he looked at the youngest heroes back wondering what he was planning 

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2020 ⏰

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