𝙎𝙪𝙘𝙝 𝘼𝙣 𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙙𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧

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             ⁎ You're my painkiller
      When my brain gets bitter
You keep me close ⁑⁎

"Hmm" I answered half asleep.

"Hey- oh did I wake you I'm so sorry" Angie said.

"Nah it's good, what do you need?" I yawned.

"Kaitlin's mom was supposed to come get us but something happened with her older sister...so we are kinda stranded here" Angie ranted.

"What gate number is it" I questioned.

"Umm 6D" she answered.

"I'll be there in 20" I hung up and face planted into my pillow.

Since I didn't change clothes I could just take my car. I did not want to wake kai so I went alone. After turning in the radio so I wouldn't fall back asleep painkiller by ruel came on and I hummed along.

In no time I was at the gate. I got out and leaned on the car then texted Angie that I was outside. After maybe a minute or so they made it to the car. We greeted eachother and they got situated inside.

"Where would you like me to drop you guys off" I asked getting my GPS ready. "Oh we can go to my house" Ricky suggested. He plugged in the address and we made our way there.

"How was the flight" I asked. "It would've been better if miss magnolia would've stayed still" Aniyah responded. "Don't do me like that" Maggie said thumping ny's shoulder. "Thanks again for the ride iris, sorry for waking you" kaitlin said from the passenger seat. "Anytime k. I'm just glad I answered." I shrugged. They laughed at my comment.

I turned into Ricky's drive way and turned off the car. "See you guys later once everyone gets here" I announced. "Wait you have to come in! My mom has been dying to meet you...why, I have no clue" he ordered. I sighed and fixed my hair and adjusted felissa's hat.

As soon as I crossed the threshold I took off my shoes and set them nicely by the door. "MA" he yelled. A beautiful woman appeared from the living room obviously excited to see her son. She went and hugged everyone until she got to me. "Aw you must be iris! I've heard so much about you" she seemed genuinely happy to see me. "All good things I hope" a smile came on my face as she nodded yes. She hugged me. "I'd love to stay but one of my friends is home with my mom and that doesn't go well most times. Nice to meet you ma'am! See you guys later" they returned my comment with 'byes'.

I got in my car and turned the radio on the drove home. When I got home it was 5:46. Camille and the rest would arrive in an hour or so. I went to my room and finished my nap.

Kai pov

I woke up around six. Iris was still sleep so I went downstairs to the living room. Her mom was there watching television. "Kai can I talk to you please" she asked. I nodded and sat down on the couch diagonal from her.

"This felissa girl, is she good for iris?" She asked. I stoped to think about it. "When iris is around felissa she seems happier. Well happy until she gets a swing but felissa doesn't know that. They haven't known eachother for long but it's unreal how well they fit. So I'd like to think she is" I responded.

"I hope you are right mijo, iris needs some more happiness in her life." She added. I nodded. "I actually have to go pick felissa and her friends up. I planned on surprising RiRi with them if that's okay" I hoped. "Of course it is" she answered. I thanked her and grabbed the keys to Iris' car and started the route to the airport.

It was 7:20 and they just got their bags. Nicole was the first to me. We hugged ourselves close to one another. I kissed her  forehead before hugging the others. Once we got settlers back in the car and the ride was steady I said something. "Alright here is a disclaimer. Maria, iris' mom wants to meet you all. Mostly felissa tho. She is super sweet and kind, but just like iris they both have terrible tempers. Oh and iris doesn't know you all are here, she's still sleep." I announced to the car.

"Why does she wanna meet me?" Felissa was confused. "Because you're dating her daughter idiot" sada said snickering. "You right" we laughed. I pulled into the driveway and turned off the car. They left their bags and followed me to the front door. We walked in quietly and took off our shoes.

"Tia" I whisper yelled. She walked from the dining room with a smile on her face. "Hola NextKidz! Mi llamo Maria but I'm everyone's tia" she introduced herself. "Hii! I'm Naomi." Naomi introduced herself and hugged Maria. "I'm sada, nice to meet you" she said reviving a hug aswell. "Nicole, also I love your home" she said complementing the house and getting a hug. "Hi- I am um felissa" she stuttered. Mariah smiled sympathetically and hugged her. "Thank you for making my daughter happy" Maria said to felissa. "Thank you ALL for making her happy, it's greatly appreciated" she quietly announced.

"Thank you for raising an amazing daughter ma'am" Naomi spoke. "She's a great bestfriend" Camille added. "She's a beautiful dancer" sada continued. "Thank you for creating such an alluring daughter" felissa finished. "Ay dios mio! You are all so sweet! I can see why she's so fascinated with you all! Come come I have snacks" she instructed. I stopped felissa and let the rest of them follow tia.

"Since you are official with iris there are somethings you should know about that I know she will try to hide from you. I can see how you effect her positively so I'm gonna tell you this. She has bipolar depression. She prefers to call them swings or mood swings." I informed her.

"What does that mean?"she was concerned. "It means that is she's happy one moment in the next she could be holding back tears. 9 times out of 10 there isn't a reason to it but we can't do anything about it really. We just have to learn to help her through it. We gotta be patient. She honestly hates that she gets that way but she knows how to cope. Music and dance is her escape to everything." I explained

"She's not going to- ya know- is she?" The fear was radiating off of her. "It doesn't get that bad anymore since she's learned how to tame it" I told her. "Anymore?" She questioned. "There was an incident but that's on her to tell you- oh and don't tell her I told you. She will start thinking you are only there so she doesn't do something to herself." I instructed. "Can I go see her" she asked. "Yea she's up in her room. Up the stairs and second to last door on the left. She should be sleep" I gave her directions. "Thanks for telling me kai" she said. "Thank you for keeping her happy when I'm not around" I thanked her. She smiled and went upstairs.

I joined the others as they went through old photo albums. I slid my hand in Nicole's and gave it a squeeze. She looked at me and smiled then laughed at the baby picture of iris and I doing baby ballet.

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