Aesop, Victor ✨ Y/n, The Novelist

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          You, Y/n, are an aloof novelist, with an overprotective atmosphere to your friends. Being aloof, you had limited friends, both in the hunters' wing and the survivor's side, but you were very close to Aesop, and Victor. Certain people were smart enough to not hurt the two, for it would lead to a great scare from the novelist, who always had a fountain pen, and a notebook. As for the others... they were stupid enough to bully the two. That was exactly what happened after the match with Wu Chang and Jack.

          "Aesop Carl, you idiot!" the angry voice called out to him "Why didn't you embalm us?!" Vera slammed her hands at the table. "Not only were you late, you missed a lot of calibrations and didn't contain the hunter long enough!" Vera was red in the face. "That's enough. Y/n will be here soon, and she'll get mad if you keep on insulting hi-" Mr. Riley tried to settle down the angry perfumer, but she had retorted with a, "So what! I'm not afraid of that useless novelist who only knows how to write paragraphs that mean absolutely nothing!" Someone cleared their voice from behind. The bickers stopped as the click of boots were heard. "I come back from a match with Michiko, and see this," you spoke with danger in your voice, covered in velvet. "I don't mind you insulting me, but taking out your anger over a lost match to Aesop is unsightly," you said, making your way to the embalmer, who's head hangs low. He was about to have an anxiety attack. "Go to the corner and think of what you say."

          "YOU'RE NOT HIS MOTHER, NOR ARE YOU MY MOTHER. IT'S THAT IDIOTS FAU-" A fountain pen flew past Vera, almost grazing her cheek. "Warning," you glared at the perfumer, before walking away with Aesop in your arms.

          "Aesop look at me," you said in the softest voice you can muster. Both of you were in his room after everything that has happened. His head still hangs low from the accusation. "Aesop," you called out once more placed your ungloved hands to his cheeks. He brought own his mask as his cheeks were wet.He was crying silently. "I failed everyone today," he muttered as his hands stayed by his side. "No you didn't," you replied, wiping his tears. "B-but if I didn't let my anxiety get to me, we would have w-won," you held him in your arms, giving a low "shhh" to his ears. It tickled him a bit.
"People have many disadvantages, and that's okay. We're human after all," you whispered, playing with his gray hair. "The hunters. They were once human too, so they too have disadvantages," you whispered, ever so often planting a kiss on his forehead. "The best we can do is improve ourselves, but we're not perfect," you spoke with a small smile. "So what I want you to do now is just hold on to me, and speak about anything on your mind. Let everything out," you smiled once he started to cling to you, his head on your shoulder as he cried out.

          "Sleep good boy, my beautiful boy
Good night, sleep tight
          Quietly the moon is looking, into your cradle," You quietly sang in Russian, as it was the only memory you could recall in your past. A man sang this very same song to you, however his voice was muffled. Aesop's eyes begin to flutter close as your singing had made him drowsy. Your voice was like velvet, smooth and gentle.
          Aesop then slept with dry tears on your shoulder. You laid him to his bed, brushing gray strands away from his face. His hand gripped yours even when he was asleep, and so leaving was not a choice. You laid beside him, as he snuggles to your chest. "Y/n..." Aesop called as his eyed were closed. "Thank you," he smiled in his sleep.

          'Hey guys, have you seen Y/n,' Victor passed a note to the other survivors in the room. Everyone seemed to stiffen. "She's probably with Aesop," Eli replied. He observed the people. Vera had a red face of anger, Kevin was not flirting as usual, and Mr. Riley had a look of frustration. He looked at Eli, hoping that he would enlighten him on the situation that had just happened. "Vera shouted at Aesop and Y/n saw that happened. You probably know the next," Eli whispered. Victor nodded and went on his way to his match. "If I may ask, why are you looking for her?" Victor wrote on a piece of paper to give to Eli. "A match? She might not be able to join cuz' she's tending Aesop, but maybe ask the others," Victor nodded, albeit anxiously. He wasn't close to many of the survivors, but he decided to settle in asking Andrew, the grave digger.

          Andrew agreed, and the two made their way to the match room. Naib Subedar was there, and so was Helena, The Mind's Eye. He sat on the farthest chair, and waited for the glass to shatter.

          "Where's Victor? I almost forgot I have a match today," Y/n asked. Aesop had woken up in Y/n's embrace and was currently cooling in his bed with a red face of embarrassment. "Oh, I told him to ask someone else instead because my owl found you sleeping with Aesop," Eli replied. Vera was gone to another match, and so were the others. "He's with Andrew, Helena, and Naib, don't worry," Eli smiled. "I'm fine with both Andrew and Helena, but Naib is intimidating," you whispered in secret. "I'll be in the library if anyone needs me, especially Victor. Tell him when he comes back," you excused yourself and headed to the library, which was open for both factions. Joseph was inside, in a very comfortable outfit as he didn't wear his blue coat this time. "Ah, mon cherie. Come in," Joseph happily let you in, and embraced you. "I heard what happened, and I apologize on my chairing spree," Joseph bowed. "'tis fine. A certain teammate of Aesop couldn't accept the loss and blamed the defeat on him. I had to step in," you sighed, hand on your forehead. "It is fine, but I must bring you the news that we will have a new hunter," Joseph smiled, playing with your hair. "How exciting. I haven't adapted to Ann's tactics and skills well, and you're having another addition," you sarcastically said, laughing. "But when he's there, please introduce me to him. I'm quite intrigued," Joseph gently smiled. "Uhm, Y/n. Victor's here," Eli said from the entrance. "It was nice talking to you, but I shall check on them," You said, bowing and leaving the library. "Adieu, mon cherie," Joseph waved.

          "Victor!" You called only to see him with a bruise on his cheek. "What happened?!" You asked, caressing the unaffected face. The others looked at Naib who was guilty. "Naib Subedar," you called out with the same tone you called Vera three hours ago. "I know what I did, and I am very sorry for my actions," Naib said with gritted teeth. You sighed, and walked to look at Naib. "You should be apologizing to Victor," you pulled Victor up, and held him in front of Naib. "I'm sorry for what I did. I should have not hit you for sending the letters late. Will you forgive me?" Naib looked at the postman, who nodded.

           Everyone was watching, yet she cared not. "I know we've been losing a lot, but don't pin the blame to any of your teammates, okay?" You said, patting the mercenary's head as you were slightly taller than him(Nyao: I wish I was, but I'm very small). Naib was shocked that he wasn't scolded, unlike Vera, who had a fountain pen coming to her. "What matters is we're trying our best," you let out a soft smile, despite your aloof nature. Naib seemed to blush and look away as you bring Victor to the nurse's office. Everyone was shocked. "Dude," Norton awed at the sight. "I never saw her smile," he said, looking at the blushing Naib. "Naib is a lucky guy to see that smile," Mike replied to Norton's sentence. "Victor and Aesop are much luckier. Who knows how many times Y/n smiled at them," Norton added. "They're both Y/n's baby snowflakes," the two sighed. "I wanna be protected by Y/n too," Mike whined.

          Victor held an ice pack for the pain on his cheek. Y/n played with his hair as he sighed. "Are you still feeling bad about the match?" Victor shook his head. "Then what's the matter?" He started doing handsigns. Luckily for you, you had learned sign language as your late little brother was deaf. "I feel like a burden to you." "Don't think that way. I'm doing this because I care for you, I want to protect you, both you and Aesop," you said, caressing his unaffected cheek. "I.. I care for you too. Whenever you protect me, I feel happy that you kept defending me. I.. I love-" The door opened revealing Aesop. "Y-y/n," he called. "Did you perhaps smiled at Naib? He's been talking about it non-stop," you let out a laugh. "I did. He was quite shocked when I did, it made me want to laugh," you replied. "Why? Are you perhaps jealous?" Aesop blushed, bringing his mask closer to his eyes to prevent his blush showing. "Even if I show rare affection at people, both of you will always be given my affections. I love both you, I care for you, so don't feel discouraged. Both of you are my snowflakes," you smiled, hugging the two.

          You would do anything for the two of them, and you made sure to implant that one special thing about you in their minds.


I asked my friend for assistance for a good arguement against Aesop and Victor, so here's the oneshot teehee

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