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U wake up next to ale u take a shower and wear this

U wake up next to ale u take a shower and wear this

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U took a picture and u posted it

U took a picture and u posted it

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At @alejandro rosario house

mattiapobilo: u look good where u going

Alejandrorosario:damm u so fine Baby girl

Fan: is mattia and ale going for u ?

Cynthiaparker: eww what a hoe u slut

End of comments (got lazy )

Ale said " hey y/n wanna go to a party"
U say "yes" u got ready this what u wear this

U and ale go U guys got drunk pretty fast and mattia was there and u couldnt find mattia and u hear moaning u

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U and ale go U guys got drunk pretty fast and mattia was there and u couldnt find mattia and u hear moaning u. Look in the room and see dani and ale having sex u go in and say to ale " ur a fucking cheater leave me the fuck alone . You go running and u bump into

He says " woah are u ok " u say " no my boyfriend cheated on me " mark says while grabbing ur waist " its ok come on lets go

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He says " woah are u ok " u say " no my boyfriend cheated on me " mark says while grabbing ur waist " its ok come on lets go. Into the room " and u say ok You go and sat on the bed with mark u go in for a kiss and he kisses u back and next thing u know U guys are making out and ale comes in and says" WTF Y/N U SEE ME AND DANI HAVING IT AND U GO DO IT WITH SOME ONE ELSE WTF " U say" SO UR WITH DANI PLUS SHE IS A FUCKING 13 YEAR OLD UR NOT WITH ME NO MORE SO BACK THE FUCK OFF AND LEAVE ME ALONE" u put ur clothes on and grab mark and u order a uber and u leave with him and mattia follow u. U guys go into a hotel and order a room. Mattia goes in the room next to you U and mark continue to make out u moan loud and mattia goes in the room and gets mad and pulls mark off. Mark says "OH SHIT MATTIA THATS UR GIRL !?!?!"mattia says"YEAH WTF. ARE U DOING " mark says " SHE SAID SHE WAS SINGLE IM SORRY MAN " Marks puts on his clothes and ran " mattia kisses u and said u were his u. And mattia goes and makes out with u and u allow him but he was teasing u. U guys stay and sleep together.

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