Don't Mess with Hellstar's Lady

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"I'm heading out, Detective, are you still meeting Johnny and I at the Penthouse?".

"Yeah, I just have to finish this paperwork," Chloe told him," don't start without me?".

"Wouldn't dream of it, Darling" Lucifer bent down to kiss her before walking out of the precinct.

It was a couple hours later when Chloe finally finished up her paperwork, and shut down her computer. Dan had Trixie for the weekend, so she was going to spend a nice relaxing time with her boyfriends.

She was walking out to her car, when she heard a skittering noise behind her. Chloe turned around, but didn't see anything in the darkness. She continued to her vehicle, digging into her purse for the keys. She'd just gotten them in her hand, when a large shadow came up behind her.

Chloe didn't even get a chance to scream, as the darkness took over.


"I don't like this, Luci, Chloe's never late".

"I'm sure she's fine, Johnny," Lucifer said in an attempt to comfort him, " the Detective has a bad habit of getting absorbed in those Dad-awful forms of hers".

"Even so, we'd at least have gotten a text by now".

Lucifer conceded on that, starting to get worried, himself.

"Why don't I fly us over to the precinct and pick her up?".

John nodded," I think that would be best, luv".

Lucifer unfurled his wings, grabbed John, and dissapeared out of the penthouse.


The first thing Chloe felt when she woke up was heat.....intense, fiery, heat. She blinked her eyes open and looked around. Everything seemed so dark, like a fog after a thunderstorm. There were tons of flakes floating in the air that she would have mistaken for snow...had it not been solid black.

"What the hell?".

"Hell is exactly what" a voice cackeled.

She looked up and let out a scream. A creature was hovering above that Chloe could swear was straight out of a horror film.  Webbed, bat-like wings, gnarled, twisted, skin, and haunting yellow eyes made up the nightmare staring at her. She tried to move away when the thing laughed.

"I wouldn't go too far, human, it's a long way down".

Chloe looked down in horror, as she realized the stone chair she was sitting on was several hundred feet in the air.

"This is a dream, a really bad one, I need to wake up!".

"This is no dream, mortal," the demon sneered.

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