1. Happy birthday!

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All images source from Unsplash.com and Pottermore.
Please don't steal my work. That's not cool.
All original characters and magical information belong to J. K. Rowling.

July 19, 1989

"Happy birthday dear y/n... Happy birthday to you" mum and dad sang.

This song marked your eleven years of age. The time has finally come for to receive your Hogwarts acceptance letter and start your journey as a witch.

"Make a wish!"

Do you wish for success? Power?

"Reckon your cake's going to get waxy"


You take a deep breath in. Close your eyes.

For the best year in Hogwart's history.

Cheers erupted from mum and dad as the candles extinguished.

"Now, we didn't get you any presents this year" Dad said

"Oh.. that's alright"

"Yet" Mum added, "We waited so we could buy all your first year supplies"

Just as she says that, an owl flies through the open kitchen window, dropping off a letter destined to you.

Miss. Y/N Y/L/N
112 Minister's Lane
Godric's Hollow, West Country,

You break the wax seal, revealing the parchment style letter.

Dear Miss Y/L/N,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.

You release a breath.

"Well, that confirms it" dad laughs

"Congratulations, little dove" mum embraces you as your brain fills with questions. You get out of her embrace and look at her.

"Which house do you think I'll be sorted in? Who are my professors? Which professor is the nicest? Where can I go study? Is Dumbledore still the headmaster? How do we get there? What time do we leave to get to Hogwarts?"

"You'll get your answer to all those questions in due time, love. Do you think you're up to getting ready to go out?"

"What for?"

"Getting your things! There's not a lot of students in Diagon Alley this time of year, we should be able to take our time" dad winked, grabbing the jar of floo powder next to the chimney.

You duck under the mantel with a handful of Floo powder

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You duck under the mantel with a handful of Floo powder.

"Loud and clear" mum says

Your eyes water from the smoke and soot coming from the chimney. The smell getting up to your nose, you throw the powder down.

AMBITIOUS/Cedric Diggory x readerWhere stories live. Discover now