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Vast lands extended around the Mansion that he called home. Surrounded by nature and luxuries that his fame and talent brought him to life, yet alone and full of solitude, as no one dared to come near him anymore. His family abandoned him long ago. Everyone left on their own path, leaving the old man who they used to call father in his pain and agony. The only presence in the family house was the housekeeper, Alison Hope; who took care of him for more than 20 years. Whenever he needed her, she was there, without hesitation. However, the Mansion was big and dark, whereas in the darkness rested a spirit whom the old man felt his presence ones in a while. Even if dead, his father was still present in the house that he built for the future generations of the Montgomery family. Alas, the old man greeted him while walking within the vast halls, knowing that soon he will meet his father again for a long time.

Dr Gerald Montgomery was one of the most famous people in the world. Everyone knew him by his actions, pride, and money. He was the son of the man who built a bank from scratch and helped millions of people achieving their dreams when the dark times blinded them, during the mass bankruptcy.

After his father died, Gerald Montgomery inherited every penny that he earned, along with the family's company and titles. He managed to make it even more significant, more efficient and effective. Everyone loved him and wanted to be near his presence. His grey hair and beard, along with his slim, yet muscular figure charmed the people. Yet, he was alone because the only people that he was unable not fool was his own family.

Gerald had four children. The first son, Daniel, was in search of power and to become a lawyer. Standing in the shadow of the father was not enough. The second daughter Meredith departed with her mother, Gerald's ex-wife. Linda was the third daughter that belonged to his second wife. She left for a man who could make her famous. In the end, there was Stephan, the black sheep of the family. Gerald abandoned Stephan due to his youth of addiction and conflicts with a bloodthirsty, dangerous man.

All four had a reason to hate their father, and their father had a reason to hate them; until now.

Gerald felt the cold breeze of death that soon would embrace him for eternity. He figured it out by himself from the messages his body sent him. The doctors gave him the confirmation a month before. Lung Cancer will kill him in the next year, maybe even less. Gerald, for the first time, felt alone.

It was a warm spring evening, while Gerald had his usual drink in the inside garden of his Mansion. Insects made multiple sounds in the grass while night birds started their hunting hour. Gerald sat on a rocking chair, having a glass of whiskey. He admired nature while thinking of the circle of life that sooner or later would finally close for him. He admired the vast collections of flowers that Alison took care of every day for many years. Gerald felt unusual emotions. He was sad, angry, alone and desperate. These emotions were unknown since his second wife died; five years prior. While he was sipping his last drop of alcohol, a thought came in his mind, something he did not. He called Alison, with that thought still burning in his mind.

Alison came in a rush as usual. She was very trustworthy and loyal to Dr Montgomery. A beautiful woman in her early 40s, mother of 3 children, with dark coloured hair and big green eyes. Her energetic and positive smile on her face always shined in Gerald's life. She loved working for Dr Montgomery, being his housekeeper as well as his secretary; helping him run the company when Gerald was not feeling good. She came to him wearing her black uniform for cleaning and small heels that echoed on the large, stone corridors.

"Did you call for me, Gerald?" she asked with a smile while picking up the glass and the bottle from the table.

Gerald looked at her with sad and thoughtful eyes. Her smile always made him feel warmer and in good hands.

"Do you care about me, Ms Hope?" He asked with a small grin. Gerald was slightly tipsy, but his mind was still working like a flash.

Alison looked at him, surprised. Deep inside, she was mourning, and she wished that Gerald's death was only a bad dream. "Of course, I do Gerald. You are one of the happiest things that happened in my life for a long time." She blushed.

"It is good to hear that someone cares about me for who I am and not only for the money Ms Alison." He replied slowly. "I cannot stop thinking about this tumour I have. I can feel it inside of me. It slowly devours my soul."

"I know. I am truly sorry about how you feel. Is there anything, I can do to help you?" Alison said, going close to him.

"There is one thing I must do Alison. And I think the time has come to face my demons." He got up from the chair and walked towards the flowers, observing them.

"What do you mean?" She asked surprised following him.

"It is time to step down Alison. I am old and dying. My company, all my life's work; needs a new face. A new owner would lead it towards the future." He replied, keeping his eyes on four flowers of different colours in front of him.

"Do you already know who might be fit to be a new leader?" she asked with a worried voice.

Gerald stayed in silence for a moment and thought. "I don't know yet. But I will find out. I would like you to send four letters. One to each of my children."

Her worry started to rise even more. "But Gerald. Your sons are not seen in years. They all hate this family, and you know it as well. What makes you think they would accept?"

"I do not know Ms Hope. But I trust my family even after all these years. They will come here. I know that. The problem that worries me is, with what intentions and plans they will come." He remained silent. "I have a feeling that they will not be very pleased to see me. They could even try to do terrible things."

"Don't even think like that Gerald." She almost shouted at him. "Your sons are very unpredictable, yes. But they could not be capable of killing anybody."

"We will see Ms Hope." He replied in sadness "We will see. We all have a lot of family matters to resolve before I decide who will take the lead of my company."

"Shall I send the letters tomorrow?" She asked politely.

"No, send them today. They need to come here as soon as possible. We need to be ready, Ms Hope. Ready for everything." He walked inside the mansions, fading in the dark of the corridor.

Gerald rested in his bed. Darkness fell on the Montgomery mansion. At that moment a voice came in his head. A ghostly voice almost faded whispered to his ears while he was asleep. "Be prepared."

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