𝐎𝐍𝐄: 𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐡𝐨𝐨𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬

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KUNISHIGE-SAMA FIRST MEETS TERU AT THE TENDER AGE OF 10. The young child is squished right in between her grandfather and her older brother, as the other young boy sat right across her, also in between his parents.

The young girl barely had a clue on what was going on, a child like her would rather be focused on catching cicadas by the nearby stream or eating fresh soda popsicles out of its package. It's the summertime, the age of the big digits for her, along with what's left of her childhood innocence before becoming a teen. 

 Glancing towards the direction of her grandfather, he holds a stern poker face as he takes a sip of the tea that was in his cup. Kunishige Nagisa was a man of many secrets to the young female, there was a strange ambiance that had shrouded the grandfather like a misty fog.

(your name) never knew much about his past, and neither did her older brother Keiichi, who was just seven years older than her; which left not much personality or character to the mysterious elderly man because of his vague past. 

All they knew was what was currently present in front of them. He was the leading priest and had been for a good decade or so, and he was currently 67 years old. 

        (your name) takes a quick glance at her 17-year-old brother, who strangely was holding down a strict expression, opposite to the bright and smiling personality he wore often around the shrine. His slightly shaggy dark hair and brown eyes made the siblings different physically, she's heard from the other shrine keepers that the male received more traits from his mother while she received more traits from her father. 

She's not really sure why her grandfather needed her here with him in the tea room, as it seemed like it had nothing to do with her as the grandfather and the pair of parents talked. 

The (h/c)-haired girl awkwardly scratches the fabric of her itchy white hakui, her impatience of wanting the meeting to end slowly rising. She feels too off to make eye contact with the unnamed boy in front of her, so she just resorts to staring at the wooden table that separates the two families, she's only caught sight of a tuft of spiky blond hair that reminded her of the sunflowers at the local floral shop downtown.

One of the gonnegi nearby suddenly speaks up, forcing the young girl to make herself look up and meet the boy's calming blue eyes. 

"(your name)-sama, meet Teru-sama," he introduces the two. "You two will be spending a lot of time together soon enough, so use this time wisely to get to know each other."

 "It's an honor to meet you Kunishige-san," the blond 12-year-old introduced himself politely in front of the (h/c) haired girl. His eyes made contact with her own (e/c) orbs. "You can call me Teru-kun if you would like. I'm looking forward to spending more time with you together." 

"Likewise Teru-kun," the 10-year-old answered back politely, trying not to stammer from his polite and mature personality. Her mind cringes towards her dry greeting, but she just shakes it off. "You can call me (your name) if you are comfortable with it also."

The boy just grins at her, making her feel more uneasy and nervous, with an awkward silence that hung in the air. It isn't until the blonde's mother breaks it, clapping her dainty hands together and giving off a warm aura in the crowded room. 

"Teru-kun, (your name)-chan, you guys can go if you want. The garden is nearby so you too can get to know each other there. Your father and I will just be talking about some important things to Nomura-kun and Nagisa-san." she grinned, motioning them to leave the room.   

(your name) looked toward her grandfather for approval, who just set his cup of tea down and nodded to her. The two children shuffled out of their seats and eventually found themselves walking out of the room where the adults had just started to talk about more serious matters.

While walking, there isn't much to talk about between a 10 and 12 year old, with only a few icebreakers, but neither child was willing to make the first move to start the conversation. There was an awkward silence in the air once again until the blond boy spoke up. "(your name)-chan, I'm sure you know why we've met up today, right? Kunishige-san probably told you already." 

"Kind of," the girl answered with a slightly embarrassed expression. "I got most of the information from today though." Teru hummed in response to the Miko's answer.

"And what do you think about all of this?"
"Well," the girl started to speak, mouth feeling dry. She hesitated before answering the older male.

"Oji-chan is always telling me how your father is always causing trouble for the shrine. But if he went through all of this trouble for a reason, then I guess I'll trust his instinct for the time being. Even if it is kind of weird."
Her eyes never went off trail as the pair entered the garden, being met with intricately cut flower bushes and bursts of wild colors with different shapes. The two continued to walk along the labeled trail as Teru was walking at a slightly faster pace in front of the female. 
"But for the time being," Teru commented with a kind smile and turning towards the female. "I'm in your hands now (your name)-chan. So please take good take of me."

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