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"You will never see her again never"


"Hey slut come with me i want you" the man said trying to take ally but Carlos stood in the way of it not letting him take her

"Iam not letting you take her leave her alone and hit me not her she didn't do anything to you leave her out of this please" Carlos said defending ally he doesn't want to see her hurt he will sacrifice himself for his friend just to let them see the light again if it means him dying he will do it

"GET OUT OF THE WAY CARLOS YOU GETTING ME ANGRY IF YOU DONT STEP AWAY FROM MY WAY YOU WILL REGRET IT BIG TIME" the man said angrily and Carlos stood his ground not moving and out of no where

"Everything for carlos went black"

"Hey lo how was school today new friends or anything you know you have to met new people Carlos will come back don't worry ok" Clara said to Lauren and she said "she wants  to see her best friend as soon as possible" "she loved him and he was the sun to her world" "the light to her dark days"  the smile on her face is all carlos doing he made her happy with his goofy smile horrible jokes but also charming looks she loved that he was confident

"I can't mom i want him back his my best friend i can't go without him the bad people will hit he always protects me" Lauren said but she knows there is  no use she had to go to  school

"Fine i will go to school but when i came back dinah and her girlfriend will take me out to play with her brother his my age" Lauren has to lie to her mother but it's not a lie cuz it's  real Carlos and dinah are brothers and sisters but they didn't know that they were separated now they back together

"Ok sweet heart have fun in elementary school"  Clara said to Lauren who only nodded

"In elementary school"

"Hey it's  the loser where is your savior Lauren where is he not friends with you anymore" the bully said to lo and she ignored him

"Austin can you leave please and pick on someone else" Lauren said to him

"Look at her she's finally knows how to stand for her self did carlos teach you or did he run away because your too ugly of a girl"  austin said and got some laughs from shawn and keana is minions

Then the teacher broke the two and took Lauren by her hand in the class room and then said this

"Hey Lauren how are you today where is Carlos he's always with you never left your side" the teacher said to Lauren who cried and the teacher was shocked why is Lauren crying

"H.. he .. got taken way by a black car i saw them take him" Lauren cried in her teacher arms and she was shocked Carlos Lauren's only best friend got taken way from her

"When did it happen Lauren and don't worry they will find him you have to give it time ok lo" The teacher said trying to calm down Lauren and she started to calm down

"He got taken on his birthday we were at the carnival and we had a good time but a man with a mask took him and a girl too i didn't see him  i miss him" lauren said to her teacher who only nodded

"I miss him miss lucy i want him back his the only person who gets me and make me laugh and happy i don't know what to do without him i lost a person who means the world to me" Lauren said to miss lucy and she was taken back we took her best friend from her she feels horrible about it but she can't do anything about it

"Does he see you or no" lucy said to Lauren

"Promise me you won't tell anyone about this ok" she said and lucy promise

"Dinah my friend she gives him her phone so we can face time every night and i get to see him only in phone that enough for me i miss him today iam go Facetime him and see if he ok or no" Lauren said to lucy and she smiled happily that Carlos and Lauren facetime each other everyday

Lauren had no problem with the rest of the class she had fun but not alot Austin and his gang didn't talk to her that's good news but she doesn't know what to do in the break she sit alone without her best friend

"The end of the school"

"Soo how was school honey was it good or bad" her mother said to her and she didn't answer and went to her room without eating or anything her mother gave her time and went after her and saw her asleep on the bed and she closed the door and light
On the night she opened her her phone and FaceTime carlos and she wasn't prepared to what Carlos had looked  like after a beaten of a life time she was concerned and she said to Carlos



how was this chapter hope you like it and thansk for the support i really appreciate it 257 readers wow that alot thanks guys love you all  🥰🥰💝💝💖💖🤗🤗❤️❤️😊😊

Words : 914

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