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new york was famous for three things; being the city that never sleeps, it's diverse culture, and it's single women.

daisy flores was one of about a couple million single women in new york city. you only come to new york to do one of two things, to make a name for yourself or to date, and currently daisy was struggling with both.

any normal person would seek help from others to fix this, only, daisy's 3 best friends were just as fucked up as she was. it was like the blind leading the blind.

there was sonia johnson, a hard working, and level headed law student. she was a realist. she didn't believe in all that love crap, the only thing she believed was that all men are liars. sonia focused more so on continuously improving herself and striving for success. as a feminist she was a strong, independent woman. there wasn't a man alive who could tell her what to do.

as for mia diaz, she was the biggest hopeless romantic of them all. it was all she had ever wanted since the age of 4. when she moved to america from peru she had become obsessed with the american dream of love. she was a classy and innocent girl who's sole purpose was to wed and procreate pretty much. she wanted to live the american dream which was to live life as an upstanding upper class women.

bianca knight was a rare new york hybrid; the ego of a man trapped in a woman's body. she was the most narcissistic, confident, and alluring person in all of new york most likely. she loved sex, money, and fashion in that order. she believed that love hurts but orgasms don't.

and daisy herself was a girl lost in her own mind. she was a perfect balance of beauty and brains; as a libra it only made sense. as a sassy single fashionista, she resulted in being a flawed yet relatable human being. she was a girl you couldn't quite pinpoint, a wild thing not looking for someone to slow her down, but rather someone who was just as wild to run with.

currently, these four best friends sat together for drinks at SPLAT!, the hottest new bar in town.

"if you fuck on the first date you're a slut but if you don't fuck you're a prude," sonia shrugged before taking a sip from a large margarita.

"no no," bianca spat. "if you fuck on the first day you're smart, not a slut. i mean a woman might as well know what she has to work with before getting herself involved any further."

the girls laughed at typical bianca in between sips of whatever fruity cocktails they had ordered. it was 1:17 AM on a tuesday night in manhattan.

sonia has finished up her class at nyu an hour prior, mia had needed a break after working as head of some benefit supporting a new nature garden, bianca was free after spending the day planning a club event, and daisy was tired out from shopping hours on end.

"i mean who cares if you're slut," bianca continued.

"what does slut even mean? is it what you call someone who has lots of sex or is it just what you call someone when you're jealous of them. i mean even if it is really about sex then so what anyways. as long as it's consented and safe let people fuck whoever they want."

"yeah if a man fucks a girl and her sister and her mother and her best friend he's 'the man', but if a girl fucks a guy she met at a bar or even her own boyfriend she's a whore. it makes no sense," sonia complained.

"i mean -i just think you should only have sex with someone you really love," mia shrugged sipping girlishly from her straw.

daisy herself just watched bianca go off while her other two friends added their own input. sex to daisy was a mystery. i mean she thought, like bianca has said, that people should be able to have sex with whomever they wished as long as it was consented. i mean sex was different to everybody. some need to be in love and wait for the perfect timing while others could fuck 5 different people on the same night. it's just too easy to be judgmental about sex.

before daisy could open her mouth to speak, a man crashed into sonia and bianca's back causing bianca's drink to slosh in her hand.

"woah. i am so sorry," the male spoke.

"don't be sorry, be looking where you're going," sonia scoffed. she had always been sort of a tough cookie. the boy looked at her almost as if studying her face. sonia raised her eyebrow in annoyed and he just looked away muttering sorry.

the girls watched as he wandered a few steps away to stand at the bar. he threw back a shot of tequila and his face pinched up in disgust.

bianca tried to get the conversation back on track but sighed a heavy sigh. "sonia he is totally checking you out," she pointed out. and true enough they saw as he looked back over his shoulder trying to nonchalantly get a glimpse of their friend.

"oh god please don't look at him," sonia groaned.

her friends laughed because sonia always complained about never having enough guys at her disposal yet hated male attention.

as the four all giggled amongst themselves the boy slowly reaproached them. they all turned their heads to look over their shoulder and each shot him a different dirty look.

"hey uh, y'all heard of zone 10 right," he asked. they all nodded. "well um there's this new artist preforming there saturday night. he's real hot, like up and coming type shit, maybe y'all heard of him, uh asap rocky? anyways i have 4 tickets to the show so y'all should pop out". he set 4 small stubs on the table.

for one whole minute no one said anything. so finally the man scratched the back of his head and turned to leave. he stopped two steps in and looked back to say "my names uh earn by the way; earnest, if y'all end up coming. i don't know." and then he left, lost in the crowd.

"who the fuck does that dude think he is," bianca snapped. she picked the tickets up off the table and examined them. "zone 10? that shit sounds dead. i am not tryna hear no lame ass local rapper".

"sonia he obviously wants you to go," mia said sipping her mojito.

"whatever," she said. "we're never gonna see his weird ass again and we most definitely would not be caught dead going to that shit."


(( to be continued!!!! so i finally posted the first chapter lol. it's lame as fuck but i had to start the story somewhere. rn it's just leading into the story. it will get better i promise. earn is played by CHILDISH GAMBINO and btw in this story asap rocky is obviously not famous famous like he is in real life. sorry this is shit but bare with me for now. comment some shit pls ! ))

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2019 ⏰

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