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•One year later
???:-Knocks on Jisoo's door-
Jisoo:-Comes out-Hi babe you're back from work-smiles and hugs him-
Tae:Yea -smiles- Hi princess-hugs her back-Ready for our date?
Jisoo:-Pulls away-More than ready -smiles-
Tae:Well lets go
•When they get there
Jisoo:The view is so beautiful -Resting her head on his lap-
Tae:I know right?
Jisoo:Yea especially since I got you here with me -looks up at him-
Tae:-Smiles-Do you remember our past?
Jisoo:-Covers her face-Ahh dont remind me of thattt!
Tae:Remember how we met?
Jisoo:Yes at the club-sits up-
Tae:-Lays down while bringing her down with him-I was such an asshole,but if I wouldnt have told you to stay-
Jisoo:We wouldnt have met,ahhh Taehyung I love you so much-kisses his cheek-
Tae:I love you too Jichu
Jisoo:Remember at the hotel?-laughs-
Tae:I do,you still have that outfit?It looks good on you
Jisoo:Of course I do Taehyung
Tae:Why are you calling me Taehyunggg call me-
Tae:-Smiles-Aw you're so cute
Jisoo:Remember last time that we had sex?
Tae:-Sits up- before you tell me,I need to talk to you...
Jisoo:-Sits up-What is it?
Tae:I...got bored of you and...I met other girls...
Jisoo:-Gets watery eyes-
Tae:Im breaking up with you
Jisoo:-Holds back her tears-Well forget about your child and I,I was going to tell you that Im pregnant-gets up-
Tae:You're pregnant?!
Jisoo:Yes!-Gets her purse-
Tae:Wait -grabs her by the arm-
Tae:-Chuckles-You thought I was going to leave you?Why would I leave such a cutie like you?
Tae:-Gets on his knees-
Tae:Would you marry me Jisoo?
Jisoo:-Sutters- Yes!!
Tae:-Gets up and hugs her-
Jisoo:-Hugs him as she starts to cry on his shoulder- Taehyung I love you so much,please dont ever prank me like that again
Tae:I wont -kisses her forehead-Now since when did you found out you were pregnant with my little baby?
Jisoo:Yesterday,I wanted to tell you in a special place today -smiles-
Tae:I love you Jisoo
Jisoo:I love you too -kisses him-

Four years later

Eunwon(Their first kid):Mommy when will my brother be born?
Jisoo:I dont know baby,but soon he will be here with us
Eunwon:Mommy what if-
Tae:-Runs upstairs-Whats wrong?!
Jisoo:I think our other prince is on the way!Ahhh!
Eunwon:Daddy is mommy okay?
Tae:Yes -picks Jisoo up-your brother is on the way
Neighbor:-Heards Jisoo and head to their house going upstairs-Dont bother your dad now stay here
Tae:Grab the bag from downstairs-heads downstairs-
Neighbor:-Runs after him getting the bag and placing it in the back seat-
•Taehyung and Jisoo head to the hospital
Eunwon:Whats wrong with mommy?
Neighbor:Your brother is about to be born
Eunwon:Can we make them something when they are back?
Neighbor:Sure,lets make cookies!
•While at the hospital
Jisoo:Ahhh Taehyung!!-squeezes his hand-
Doctor:A few more pushes and he will be here
Tae:Come on Jisoo you can do it!
Doctor:And here he is -hands it to Jisoo-
Jisoo:-Crying-Ahw h-hes so cute
Tae:Aww babyyy -pats Jisoo's head-Good job babe
Doctor:Hes another little cutie,whats the name?
•Jisoo and Tae stare at each other
Jisoo:Minjun,Kim Min-Jun
•After two hours Jin and his wife come
Jin:Wheres the little one?
Jin's wife:Jisoo are you okay?How did it feel?
Jisoo:-Laughs-Im okay
Tae:Heres Minjun
Jin:Wow hes so cute like the parents-smiles-
Jin's wife:Let me carry him
Tae:Sure be careful tho -gives the baby to her-
Jin's wife:-Carries the baby-
Jin:Are you guys ready to go home?
Jisoo:Im not, my legs feel like noodles
Jin:-Laugh-Well of course they do
Tae:Where is y'all's kid?
Jin:Hes at home sleeping,its too late for him to be out
Jisoo:You guys should go home and get some sleep,my dad will come and help us tomorrow
Jin's wife:Are you sure?We dont want to leave yall alone
Tae:Is fine go home and rest,Jisoo needs it too
•One hour later
Jin:Okay okay we will get going now bye guys
•They both leave
Jisoo:Tae Im going to sleep for a bit okay?
•Next morning
Tae:-Comes back from the front office-Good morning baby
Jisoo:-Wakes up-Good morning
Tae:We can leave now,do you want me to call someone..?
Jisoo:-Sits up-We can do it ourselves-Tries to get up-
Tae:-Helps her-I'll call my manager
Tae:-Sits her down-
•They go home
Jisoo:Good morning eunwon
Tae:-Helps her sit down-
Neighbor:How did it went?
Tae:-Hands the baby to Jisoo-
Jisoo:It was great -smiles-
Eunwon:Aw hes so cute mommy
Jisoo:I know right?
Neighbor:Eunwon lets go get the cookies we made
Eunwon:Yea!-goes to the kitchen-
Tae:Are your legs better?
Jisoo:Yea they feel weak but not as much as yesterday
Eunwon:Look mommy its tasty -hands one to her- And for my brother
Tae:Theres none for daddy?
Eunwon:Mmm let me think about it...here!
Neighbor:I'll head to my house now-heads to her house-
Eunwon:Whats his name?
Eunwon:Wow thats a pretty name
Tae:You want to carry him?
Jisoo:Shhh you're going to wake him up
Tae:-Sits him on his lap-
Jisoo:You have strong arms right?
Eunwon:Yea like daddy
Eunwon:Im ready
Jisoo:Okay be careful-hands him Minjun-
Eunwon:Im doing it mommy and daddy
Tae:And you're doing it great,have you had breakfast?
Eunwon:No not yet
Jisoo:Why didnt you tell nana?
Eunwon:I didnt want to bother her
???:-Knocks on the door-
Jisoo:Who could it be?
Tae:I'll go answer,give minjun to mommy
Eunwon:Aw -pouts-
Jisoo:Only a few seconds-carries him-
Eunwon:-Gets off Tae's lap-
Tae:-Gets up and answers-
Jennie:Where is the kid!!
Lisa:-Runs in-
Jennie:Oh my god its a precious little baby like Eunwon
Rose:Yea-picks up eunwon-How you been baby?
Eunwon:Good what about you?-smiles-
Lisa:Are you okay now?
Jisoo:Yea guys
Tae:-Walks up to them-
Rose:I can go drop eunwon off tomorrow at school
Eunwon:I have to go to school?I want to take care of mommy and my brother
Tare:Everyone wants to but we have to do our responsibilities
Lisa:Oh hi Taehyung
Jennie:Sorry we didn't see you
Rose:Yea sorry
Tae:Is fine well,you guys can do y'all's business I'll go drop eunwon off tomorrow
Jisoo:What about the company?
Tae:Our company baby,I got it over control
Jisoo:Yea yea

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