A New Beginning

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Skylar's POV
Tommorow my big brother is getting his very first pokemon. Right now I'm sitting on the couch in his room watching TV. We stayed up pretty late and our mom didn't notice we were still up. It was pretty late that my eyes started to feel droopy I laid my head on Ash's shoulder and fell to sleep.

*Next Morning*

"Ash honey you are going to be late getting your pokemon!" Our mom shouted as she came into Ash room. "Skylar why are you in here? Did you sleep in here again?" She asked, I just nodded. She sighed and then told me "Skylar, sweetie go get change so we can say good bye to him." "But I want to go with Ash," I said as I started to cry. "How about this when we go to Pro. Oaks lab we ask him about this. Okay?" She said as she tried to calm me down. I nodded and then rushed to my room to get changed into Jean shorts, a white tank top, I grabbed my grey sweatshirt and grabbed my black bag and put in a change of clothes and my stuffed animal Eevee. Then I ran down the stairs and out the door to Pro. Oaks lab when she got there she saw Ash coming out with an Pikachu in his arms. "That Pikachu didn't seem to like Ash that much." I thought to myself. I was about to walk up to Ash but I got pulled into the lab when I opened my eyes I saw that it was Pro. Oak and he asked me if I wanted to go on a Pokemon journey. I nodded and then he handed me a Pokemon ball and told me "This pokemon ball has an Eevee I think that pokemon suits you. Oh, here is a Pokè Dex it will help you identify pokemon and keep track of the Pokemon you catch. Also here are some extra pokemon balls so you can catch other pokemon" I took the pokemon balls and the Pokè Dex. I went out side to see Ash an my mom and I ran up to Ash and gave him a big hug and said while squealing "Ash, Ash guess what!" "What is it Skylar. Is everything okay?" Ash asked worried. "Don't worry everthing is fine. But i was wondering if I could accompany you on your journey?" I asked he looked shocked and started to say "But Sky you are to young to-" bit before he could continue he was interrupted by Pro. Oak "Don't worry Ash she has her own pokemon and your mom already agreed that she can but you let her come with you so you can protect her," he explained. I butted in and said "Or would you rather me go out on my own, and get lost in the middle of the woods at night? And meet strange people who try to kidnap me or Eevee." "I-um," Ash said stuttering. "Fine, you can come Sky. But you have stay with me all the time. Got it?" Said Ash as he gave in. "Yay!" I shouted. I ran and jumped into Ash's arms and said excitedly "Me and my big brother get to go on a Pokemon journey together!" Ash hugged me back then put me back down and said "Let's head back home so we can get your stuff for the trip." "No need, here you go sweetie and make sure to listen to Ash okay," our Mom said. "Don't worry Mom I will listen to big brother and make sure he doesn't do anything, how should I put this nicely, do anything STUPID," I said. I hear my mom and Pro. Oak chuckling over what I just said. "Did you just call me stupid Sky?" Ash asked as he grumbled. "No, I said I will make sure you don't do anything STUPID you can do some stupid thing but you are smart Ash," I said. "Well if it isn't Ashy-boy and his little skerdi cat sister," said Gary Oak. "I'm not a skerdi cat and Ash told you to stop calling him Ashy-boy. I know you heard him say it or are you deaf or what," I told Gary. Ash grabbed my bag from our mom and helped me put it on. Then he told me "Come on Sky let's not waste our time with him. There is a world out there waiting for us". I nodded and we walked off we waved to our mom and Pro. Oak and I heard Gary mumble something under his breathe but I didn't quite here it. We the walk into the woods where our new journey begins.

Skylar Ketchum (Ash's Sister)Where stories live. Discover now