I wrote this for friend of mine she died earlier this year
This is for you kana.
We met not too long ago
I knew you not too long ago
we became friends not too long ago
we became close not too long ago
we shared our secrets not very long ago we talked of secret crushes
of our dreams in life
of our expectations
I remember you are a crazy romantic and I made fun of you but you were never mad about it
Or at least you never showed it I remember when we used to sit on the swings and just talk about stupid things and boys and wealth.
I remember planning Hangouts that we never went and never will
Not so long ago we became a sister to me not so long ago we had happiness
we had contentment
but now I'm left weaping
when I'm reminiscing how we used to put sugar on pancakes to make it sweet because we never carried syrup
How we used to discuss that novel by Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet
How we used to criticize you on how you used to view everything as hopelessly romantic
How you would write your essays as romance when clearly it was meant to be nothing like that
You were a sweet sweet soul what happened.