De Luca's

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I walk to my cafe since it only a block away and its nice out. I walk in thru the side door an am immediately greeted my my store manager Aria she is a sweet girl i hired her about a year and a half ago she had just quite her job at another cafe and with her resume i could turn her down. Im glad i didnt she makes a wonderful addition to my shop. We exchange our hellos and i head to the back and grab a cannoli which i shouldn't but i say fuck it i work out everyday ill just work out a little harder tomorrow. As im grabbing the delicious treat i hear one of my bakers going on and on about on of the regulars that she is so beautiful, sweet and how he wished he hand the nerve to walk up to her and say hi. I dont see why guys make a big deal out of talking to a women its like a walk in the park for me but then again im not usually the one to have to walk up to them its like they just flock to me and yes i know i sound like a stronzo concesso
" conceded asshoe" but its true and im flattered an all but i want a girl that blushes ,stumbles over her words, and i dont know is shy its just something about those qualities that are a real turn on i guess it has to do alot with all the bold outspoken women who hit on me constantly. But i tell you one thing if i found a women like that i chase her til the end of the world and then some as long as i got to call her Mine in the end. I get pull out of my thoughts of the perfect women by Aria. She says it was 15 minutes to 10 an she knows how i like to be a little bit early to everything. I tell her thank you and head out the door I've giving speeches before but i still get little butterflies everytime. As im nearing the institution i get this weird feeling in my lower spine all the way up my back. I shrug it off "ok that was weird but pull your shit together Leo its game time."

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