Prologue - Drunken Babbles

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Lying back on the icy grass, I gazed up at the dark sky. The cold winter breeze prickled my soft exposed skin and mingled with my clouding and alcohol-tainted breath. Tomorrow will be a completely different day. Tomorrow, I will no longer be here in Wester.

My friends giggled and guffawed next to me at something that someone had someone had said. Well they tried to giggle. Instead the all sounded like hyenas on crack. quite a funny sound.

If you haven't guess already, we're all drunk off our heads...

Oh, and I'm moving.

Which explains my drunken behavior.

Yeah, I found out about two weeks ago. Not much of a warning but boy-did I make the best of it! In those past fourteen days I had basically become a riot. Been to at least six parties, crashed a car, got arrested, punched some chick, punched some guy, stuff like that. I've done so much I can't even remember most of it. but i know for sure I was drunk ninety percent of the time.

"I wanna be drunk when I wake up!" Laura all but yelled at the top of her lungs. I love Ed Sheeran! 

"On the right side of the wrong bed!" I joined in, singing very loudly. We sung through the night, being scolded and threatened by those who heard us.

"Ally, how can you sing reeeaaallly good when you're drunk?" I heard Otto slur beside me.

I turned to him and smirked. 

"F*cking talent."

He burst out laughing, whilst babbling something drunkenly. He rolled over and lay his head on my tummy, still laughing.

I turned back to the sky and began to sing again.

I sang Fly Away by Jojo...

I think?

"Can I have one more kiss, one more touch, I just can't get enough of you but I'm in a rush. I gotta fly away."

"Noooo! Shut up! Don't sing depressing crap!" Laura screamed again.

"But it's true! I'm flying away from you all."

"Yeah! But you need to be happy!" Minx called, well tried to. She shouted it instead.

"Wha-? You want me to be happy 'cause I'm leaving?"

"Noooooo!" she groaned "You need to be happy that you got to have fun before leaving! Be happy that spent time with us before you left. Be happy you were even here in the first place."

I rolled over to look at her. How she's spewing that crap at me while sh's drunk is beyond me...

"Minx..." Otto murmured softly.

"Yes?" she murmured back.

"Shut. Up."

The night blurred into itself. And soon enough, I was left by myself and a bottle of Midori, in my childhood park where I reminisced of all that I would leave behind. 

Then I drifted off into a peaceful sleep with one last thought...

My brothers going to kill me when I get home.

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