Chapter Eight- Ben

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this is chapter eight! it took a really long time to write, haha its really awkward to write as a boy, and often i find myself writing huge paragraphs only to delete them and starting alll over hahah :) ive pretty much given up on my drawing of Cammie, but if anyone still wants to see it... eekk... but ill put it up if you want :) but anyways, here you find out more about Ben's life, i really hope you like it :) vote, comment, fan! (please c: )  

i dedicated this to JezzyBell/ Rita because shes been with me since i started this story in august:) so thank you Rita!!!



     “A…. A date?!” Carson shrieked, shaking my shoulders as we walked away from Melrose Pier. “I mean, what was that back there? You were all quiet and weird, but then she gave you her number! How on earth did you do it?” He stared at me with pride in his eyes, his fluffy hair shaking with every step he took. “My friend, I think I’ll have to try your whole ‘sensitive, tortured soul’ thing some day. That girl ate it right up.”

     I looked at him incredulously. I wanted to tell him that I wasn’t being a “sensitive, tortured soul,” but the glowing way he was looking at me made my words stop before they reached my lips.

    “Ben Knight, the ladies man.” He sang jokingly, snatching the napkin with Cammie’s number on it from my hands. “When are you going to call her?”

    “Hey-” I reached for the napkin, but he quickly moved it out of my grasp. I sighed, and said, “I dunno, she told me to call her tonight. So I call her… tonight?”

    “No! Ben, no! Have you learned nothing from me? Call her tomorrow, or better yet, the next day. Make her wonder, that way she’ll be happier when you finally do call.”

    “What? Why would I do that? She gave me her number, so doesn’t that mean she already likes me?”

     He shook his head, laughing. “You have much to learn.” He threw his arm around my shoulder, dangling the napkin by my face, but moving it before I could grab it.

     “You know, sometimes I really do wonder why I’m friends with you.” I said, laughing with him.

      “Because I protect you from bullies, you little twerp.” He walked ahead of me, still chuckling. “Remember that time Corey Spencer stole your lunch money? And you just sat there crying on the swings until I kicked him in the shins and got it back?”

      “Yeah, and then you made me do your homework all week to pay you back, too.”

      “That’s the meaning of true friendship, man.”

     “Suuure,” I snorted. “Protecting someone, and then making them pay you back for your kindness. That sounds about right.”

     “You know it!” He shouted, pumping his fist in the air. The rest of the walk home was easy, filled with laughter as we reminisced. My fingers were itching for a colored pencil though, the image of the moonlit lake was quickly leaking from my brain. Duke’s excited yelps greeted us as we rounded the path that led to my small home, and Carson drove off in his shiny golden sportscar to get ready for a lunch date with his girlfriend.

      “What are you going to do for the rest of the day, Knight?” He called as he got in and slammed his car door.

     “I dunno, draw?” I shouted as he started to drive off. Moments later my phone beeped from my pocket, and I saw that he had sent me a text while he was attempting to drive. “Lame,” was all it said, but I laughed when I saw it and raced to grab my sketchpad from my room. I took the stairs up the deck to my house in threes, and returned back with heaving breaths.

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