Chapter One: Part Seven

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"Come on" Emmy huffed attempting to start the truck once more. Her desperation obvious in her face but once again the engine sputtered "piece of shit!" a harsh palm slapped against the steering wheel before kicking open the door.

"What the fuck is going on none of the trucks are starting" Daisy questioned as she too got out of another truck and slammed closed the door.

"I don't know..." Emmy placed a hand to her forehead and tried to calm herself down with unsteady.

"Still no word on the radio!" Brady called from the door of Emmy's cabin. The short brunette closed her eyes tightly this was stressful but she needed to keep composure.

One deep breath

A second

Then a third

Emmy tried to keep them steady without a shakiness to them which wasn't quite successful "Okay, okay" Emmy began to speak her eyes opening once again to see curious faces staring at her "the boys are on the track they took to town, they're injured, none of the trucks are starting..."

"Do we have any more bad news?" Daisy let out an unamused laugh over the matter.

"Chris go get Connor, he's good with vehicles, let him check them over, Brady stay on the radio check if any of the guy's radio in... Daisy we are taking the pickup" it wasn't often they took the old beat-up truck that sat by the front entrance mostly it was for taking tools to fix the fencing but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"Something weird is going on" Daisy commented as the girls began to race across the dirt. Their feet pounding against the ground as they ran as fast as they could.

"Tell me about it" Emmy muttered but there was no time to think of that as they Hauled arse into the truck and tried to get the rusty piece of crap to work. It's engine sputtered and gargled in the attempts until it finally started up it's rumbling engine causing both girls to sigh in relief "Sam!" Emmy shouted out the open window of the vehicle to the tall, slender older man standing on guard.

"Yeah?" he called back fixing his rifle over his shoulder.

"Post guards at each point of the fences. Monitor the area, check for any weak spots and tell Sarah to prep the medical area for when we get back, understand?" she ordered her brown eyes ablaze with determination.

"Got it" he gave a nod before opening the gates. The gate had barely opened before tore off onto the dirt road. The wheel leaving a trail of dust behind them.

"You sounded like your dad" Daisy commented once they were out of the camp.

"What?" Emmy questioned but her eyes remained focused on the road ahead of them.

"Leading, ordering. You have it in you, Em you did good back there" the stunning woman flashed a smile.

"I'm trying, Daisy..." Emmy chuckled to her self "its funny if the world wasn't well... Such a mess I would just be a regular college student trying to make her way to med school. It's crazy how things work out is it?"

"If the world hadn't turned out this way I would be with my husband in our house that we brought three months before we got married" Daisy seemed to fall deeply into her thoughts.

" It's nice to think about what could have been sometimes" Emmy let out a sigh "this world is a hard place but maybe we can still have a future."

"How can you even say that?" Daisy couldn't help but laugh at the younger woman's optimism.

"Say what?" Emmy was genuinely confused over Daisy's laughter.

"You're so positive amongst all this shit. Our home was practically destroyed, we have all almost died, most of our group died and now here we are driving to hopefully the right place where only three of our people are hopefully alive still" Daisy couldn't help but question. She had seen and lost so much in life sometimes it was hard to grasp at any hope.

"After everything that happened?" Emmy's hands tensed on the steering wheels as she thought over the question that was asked. Narrowing those dark brown orbs of hers onto the road as relentless trees passed by. "after everything we rebuilt our camp, we've fought we've survived the best we could and frankly... We are going to find the guys and take them home because it's just what we do. We survive, Daisy and even if my outlook seems silly I would still rather have that than anything else because things have to get better" it fell silent between the two both young woman caught in their thoughts as the truck bounced along the uneven road.

"You really believe that?" Daisy questioned even when her voice fell soft it held its powerful southern twang.

"I really believe that, Daisy..." Emmy shot the girl a single glance flashing a comforting smile before turning back to the road "now let's go get our boys."


They had been travelling for a few hours their eyes searching relentlessly over the roads for any sign of their lost group. No radio call had been reported by Brady from home and the girls had remained silent in their search.

"Em! Em!" Daisy suddenly straightened in her seat tapping at the brunette's thigh causing her gaze to search frantically until finally setting sights on the side of the road a bullet-ridden truck, their bullet-ridden truck. Emmy's foot slammed onto the break causing the pick up to jerk and skin against the dirt it only just stopped when the young woman jumped out. The offenders seemed to be long gone as the only noise lingering were birds and some distant groans and shuffling steps of the dead.

The scene they were met with wasn't pleasant. Their group members so bloody and damaged from the gunfire their bodies were barely recognisable amongst the bullet-riddled remains of the vehicle " It's just like Kai said but..." Emmy began looking around the surroundings only a few houses sparsely placed around them "where are they... Kai! Jay!... Troy!" she called a little more frantic than anticipated "where the fuck are they..."

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